Ocean Dawn

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The following morning Wooyoung was a little sore, but his cock wasn't as bad as he thought it might've been. Sure there was a little sting right now as he awoke, but it really wasn't all that bad, not when San was only centimetres away distracting his mind.

The older was currently laying on his stomach holding his pillow to his body, his little snores breaking through the morning air, and the sheet that adorned the bed lay only over his backside, so his chiselled back was on full display.

No wonder he was able to lift himself off the floor during yesterdays pole dancing class.

A bitter taste suddenly laced Wooyoung's mouth for a moment as he recalled their instructor trying to make a move and making all the wrong assumptions yesterday. Very quickly though, he squashed those thoughts as his handsome boyfriends nose twitched and shifted his head causing a few strands of hair to fall upon his face.

Wooyoung, who had been lying on his side this whole time, smiled and he reached his hand gently pushing those strands behind San's ear.

It was a beautiful thought knowing San was his, would probably be Yeosang's one day too. Things were so beautifully easy.

Well for Wooyoung they were, for Yeosang, and San in some respects too, maybe not so much.

If their relationship was like the ocean then Wooyoung himself was well and truly into the waters, swimming a little deeper as he adjusted to dating both boys, but content to stop and wait for them to catch up.

San was treading through the water deeper and deeper, finding his feet; he wasn't afraid to move forwards knowing he could lose his grip on the ocean floor bellow at any second.

Yeosang though, while he was taking slow steps forwards in the shallows, his sight was not completely set on the ocean ahead, and Wooyoung knew he wouldn't come completely into the water so to speak until he was content that what was happening on the beach was washed away by the tide or swept away like sand in the wind.

Yeosang still had his parents to contend with; even though they fucked up his life in some respects he still against all odds cared about them, and that was what was keeping him from diving in deeper.

Wooyoung hoped though that as of tonight Yeosang could make that dive, to take the plunge and not have to look back.

Tonight was Yeosang's dinner with his parents, his sister and his ex and Wooyoung, though never a religious man, was praying things went well.

He wanted Yeosang to be at peace of mind because right now his parents were the sole thing anchoring him in place.

Yeosang was his own person, and he had already come so far; coming out, becoming a part of a poly, exploring feelings for San. But the one thing Yeosang needed now was to have some sort of closure from his parents whether it be positive or negative, he just needed something.

"You ok Woo?" San suddenly said, cutting through the silence.

Wooyoung had been thinking so intently about possible outcomes for tonight he missed San waking up.

Wooyoung shifted in his spot, puffing up his pillow a little, and blinking as he focused on San who was staring at him with a caring expression. "Mmm, yeah" he replied.

San rolled onto his side, reaching out and laying the back of his hand against Wooyoung's forehead and then caressing his cheek, "You sure? Not still sore are you?"

Wooyoung shifted slightly, "I'm a little sore, but that's not what's on my mind" he voiced candidly.

San's hand froze and dropped away "Oh?".

"Yeosang's dinner is tonight, and I'm worried on how things will go. I want him to be at ease and I'll do what I can to support him, but I know even though he's invited me tonight is really overall about the relationship between himself and his parents, I'm just there for moral support".

"I think your there for a bit more than just moral support Woo, but I get what you mean; he's the front man on this one, he needs to take the lead." San paused for a moment "He cares about them a lot doesn't he?"

Wooyoung hummed, "Even though they give him shit, he does, which is why a positive outcome tonight is really what he needs. I just worry how they'll take everything, they already know of his sexuality and that's not perfect, but now Jeong's coming out too and their parents are going to find out that both their children have partners of the same sex. It just seems like a lot for two very homophobic parents like them to take in. Like I love that their getting it all out there and coming out with all this information at the same time, I just wonder whether maybe it's too much? I don't know"

San nodded "I understand how you feel, it does seem like a lot for them to take in, but maybe this slap of information will be exactly what they need, and regardless of the outcome the accomplishment of getting everything out in the open may give Yeosang the boost he needs to feel comfortable. Sometimes we don't know what we need until its staring us in the face"

Wooyoung chuckled for a second breaking the thick atmosphere between them and causing San to furrow his brows.


Wooyoung snorted "Just your last comment. I know what I need and its staring me right in the face right now"

San still looked lost.

"Sannie you, you're what I need, you and Yeosang are all I'll ever need"

San rolled his eyes, a playful response to mask the pink tint that developed on his cheek "You cheesy goof".

San then sat up slightly and came forwards, planting a kiss on Wooyoung's head and then a tender one on his lips after Wooyoung pouted at him.

"Come on darling, let's get up".

A/n yay a chapter ( ´ ω ' )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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