Hangover Soup

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Yeosang slowly woke up, his head throbbing like you wouldn't believe and his stomach feeling empty.

After San, Seonghwa and Hongjoong got him into bed the older continued to sleep for the whole night. Not even the lack of dinner could wake him. Now he was indeed very hungry though, both craving the dinner he missed and the breakfast he should have.

But breakfast could wait as a sight Yeosang never thought he would ever see came into view.

His own bed sat parallel from Seonghwa's and on Seonghwa's bed for the first time ever was not just Seonghwa but Hongjoong. Yes Hongjoong too.

Sure Hongjoong had sat on Seonghwa's bed before, but Yeosang knew for a fact that the smaller had never slept there. . .or done what they were doing now, at least not while Yeosang had been there anyway.

As Yeosang took in this unexpected sight suddenly the innocent, pristine image he had of his best friend faltered. Greatly.

Seonghwa lay on his back and Hongjoong was propped up at his side, his leg curled around Seonghwa's lower body, and they were kissing!! Yeosang couldn't believe it, they were actually kissing, their mouths locked together. . .and omg is that tongue Yeosang just saw?. . and Seonghwa's hands!!! Yeosang watched as Seonghwa slid his hand down Hongjoong's side and feathered its way under Hongjoong's shirt, resting on the skin of the smaller's waist.

Yeosang was frozen in shock and was thankful that he, for the most, was hidden beneath his doona. He knew he shouldn't be surprised, he knew the pair loved each other, they were a couple after all and this is what couples do: they kiss. . among other things. Which maybe they were doing and Seonghwa hadn't told him yet? Seonghwa already tells him a lot of things, but would he talk about something like this?

Seonghwa overall just wasn't a very openly intimate person in front of others, he was a close the blinds sort of guy when it came to Hongjoong. What happens behind closed doors stays and only happens behind closed doors.

Yeosang just hadn't expected to be on this side of said closed door.

Both Seonghwa and Hongjoong had their eyes closed and were completely unaware to Yeosang's awoken presence. Clearly even more so as Hongjoong visibly and very carefully curled his body around so he was sitting on top of Seonghwa.

It was clear to Yeosang from the way Hongjoong's body moved that he was being cautious. Seonghwa was clearly still shy and timid in some respects and Hongjoong knew that just as well as Yeosang did.

Not wanting to watch anymore- especially since Hongjoong just pressed his damm body down into Seonghwa causing the older to whimper -Yeosang cleared his throat alerting the pair to his presence.

If Yeosang had blinked he would have missed what happened next because one second Hongjoong was sitting on Seonghwa and the next Hongjoong was flat on his ass on the floor with Seonghwa speeding halfway across the room like a child trying to escape their parent after being caught drawing on the walls.

"I. . um- err. . We were just. . and then we um got carried away and ahh. . It's not what it looks like?" Seonghwa panicked, his hands shaking about as he bounced nervously.

Yeosang sat up waving his own hands "Hwa chill! It's ok. You guys are dating, together, a couple! You can do whatever you like with one another. . I never thought I'd lay witness. . ." He mumbled "But it's ok I'm not judging!"

Yeosang looked away from Seonghwa so the taller didn't feel like he was interrogating him with his eyes, even thought he really wasn't; he just knew Seonghwa would see it that way, so he looked down at Hongjoong to give the taller space "How's your butt?" he asked.

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