Girls Like Girls & Boys

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Minutes ago when Yeosang was standing in the stall wondering whether he should skip the dress altogether and call it a day he had overheard San greeting someone, and he had also heard San call him his almost boyfriend, which had completely distracted him from what was happening. It made him feel warm and fuzzy that the boy he liked was practically claiming him as his!

But now he wished he'd paid more attention because maybe then he would have heard his ex's voice, maybe even his sisters too, and hence he could have hidden out in the stall until they left, and actually invited San into the changing cubicle when he had offered and explained why stepping out of the small stall he was in was a bad idea.

He couldn't go back now though, all he could do as he stood between the watchful and wide eyes of Jeongyeon, Nayeon and San was try not to panic. . .but it was too late he was panicking.

Yeosang's heart started to uncontrollably speed up, his body heating up, his mouth going dry.

Seeing Nayeon felt strange, they'd been so very close to one another prior and during their relationship, and then when he broke up with her she had disappeared from his life like she never existed in the first place. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing that they'd completely disappeared from one another's lives, but it did make things weirder now, as if their sudden presence was reminding them that the other did still exist.

On top of seeing Nayeon in general having her see him wearing a dress and with a boy made him terribly embarrassed, more so than he knew it should. The man he was when he was with her and the one he was right now were completely different, and although it really shouldn't matter what her thoughts were, a part of him was nervous on how she'd react since she didn't know he was into guys.

But having Jeongyeon seeing him like this made him even more nervous. It was like she held a bomb in her hands and at any second she could drop it and ruin his life forever, and what was worse was knowing he'd served that bomb to her on a silver platter.

Yeosang knew it was too late to hide or to change back into his original white jeans and shirt and deny the inevitable bomb that was surely about to be detonated. Jeongyeon had already seen him in the dress and if he went and changed now she might disappear to go call their parents, all Yeosang could do was try and reduce the expanse of the blast.

So before she could get to her phone Yeosang turned completely to his sister, grabbed her hands and squeezed them tightly as he lowered his head in defeat. If her hands were in his he could stop her reaching for her phone, and hopefully with the words he was about to speak she'd hold off the detonation, or better yet stop it all together.

". . .Please" Yeosang choked out "Please don't tell mum and dad you saw me like this. Don't tell them you saw me in a dress, that you saw me out with a boy, that you saw me k-kissing a boy"

Everything was silent as Yeosang paused for a second, he hated that he was being so weak in front of San, he felt pathetic.

"And please. . I don't know what you're doing with Nay" Yeosang continued, saying his ex's nickname felt foreign to his lips, "But know I will never get back with her, I don't want to be with her. . .please, please don't be like our parents, don't force me into relationships I don't want, I've done enough of that already. . just let me be me and let me date who I want to date and. . .and let me tell them when I am ready. . .I was going to try and tell you all next week at our family dinner that I have a boyfriend now, but arrrrgh" Yeosang groaned in frustration "Just forget you ever saw me, just continue being completely silent and oblivious like always!"

Yeosang was almost crying, but he couldn't cry. Boys aren't allowed to cry. At least not in front of his sister and his ex. Crying in front of Wooyoung and San was a completely different story.

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