The Morning After

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Wooyoung woke the following morning to a swarm of butterflies and an unavoidable smile. He had never felt more satisfied and happy in his life as he'd slept blissfully between his two best friends heartbeats. Not the pain in his ass or his cock could shake him.

Miraculously the three had managed to stay in the same position from the moment they'd fallen asleep till now and Wooyoung revelled in the contact of their skin. Yeosang's soft naked body was still pressed against his chest, and from behind San's equally as glorious naked body was still hugging his back, the olders arm draped over himself and Yeosang.

They were like 3 pieces of a puzzle all fitting snugly together.

Wooyoung wondered how long this blissful atmosphere would last though, they'd eventually all have to get up, they couldn't stay like this all day, his parents would come home soon. Its times like this he wished he had his own place; hopefully soon, he had been saving.

Wooyoung hoped this wouldn't be the last time together like this, or just in general really, he really hoped they'd all want to continue with whatever it is they had started and that neither boy had any regrets.

Was it wrong they he wanted both Yeosang and San to be his boyfriend? They'd all had sex, but would they all want to date?

Wooyoung was pretty sure that individually both boys would want to date him, but would they be ok with dating each other as well?? Since he was at the centre he thought it necessary to think and consider these things so both parties involved were happy.

Wooyoung wasn't overly familiar with polyamory, most of the knowledge he had was from watching shows with poly couples as a side story, but he was pretty sure San and Yeosang didn't have to date, and Wooyoung wouldn't force them to be together either, even if his best friends fucking was his most treasured fantasy.

Yeosang and San could date him but they didn't have to date each other, and although Wooyoung liked the threesome he had he'd accept them both in whatever they wanted; whether they be a throuple or hopefully two separate couples.

Wooyoung was fine with whatever they chose, he just hoped he could have both of them, that he wouldn't lose either of them and that San and Yeosang could accept that they both held a special place in his heart no matter whether they liked each other or not.

Yeosang let out a small snore breaking Wooyoung from his thoughts, and Wooyoung couldn't help but nuzzle his nose in the smallers hair breathing in the delicious scent of his strawberry shampoo.

San started to stir awake behind him; the breaths that Wooyoung could feel on his neck became more rapid. All of a sudden there was a small yawn from the boy and he sat up a little.

"Good Morning Sannie" Wooyoung said with a smile.

"Morning Woo" San replied in a quiet voice as he noticed Yeosang was still asleep.

Wooyoung still had an arm wrapped around Yeosang, his hand just sitting above the smallers abdomen. Wooyoung turned as best he could so he could look at San and he felt a warmth rise to his cheeks at how close they were.

Just because he was a confident person it didn't mean that things like this were natural for him, he was a romantic and San was making him feel like a love struck schoolgirl with the way his eyes were gazing at him.

A side smile spread across San's face and he closed the distance between them, pressing a tender kiss against Wooyoung's lips. Wooyoung returned the kiss despite the awkward angle of his head and body.

"I better get a morning kiss too" Yeosang suddenly huffed, Wooyoung had been too distracted in San's lips to notice him completely wake up.

Wooyoung departed from San's sweet lips to look at Yeosang who spun in his arms to face him.

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