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After breakfast Wooyoung insisted that San and Yeosang relax while he cleaned up the kitchen since he was the one whom had made breakfast, and although San said he would clean because it was his house and Yeosang insisted he would help too, Wooyoung eventually won over and convinced the both of them to watch TV instead.

San and Yeosang had chosen to watch cartoons, and it was adorable to see them both cuddled up on the couch together.

Wooyoung would be lying to himself if he said he didn't have reservations about the relationship between San and Yeosang, mainly because of what happened last night, but he could see that as long as they kept communicating then they would be fine, plus they were excellent in the bedroom so all they needed to do was transfer the confidence that they showed in there into their relationship in general.

Wooyoung had soon joined the pair, bearing gifts of icing sugar coated popcorn, and he cuddled up to Sans other side, intertwining all their legs together as they settled in to watch a movie.

Once the movie was over they had ordered way too much takeout from a shop near San's place and stuffed themselves silly, before finally wrapping up the rest of their afternoon playing card games; kisses awarded to whomever came out as winner and runner up, and the loser missing out.

It was a lazy yet humble day, the type of day that Wooyoung had been craving ever since he'd realised he liked Yeosang and San, and he endeavoured to preserve in his heart forever.

Although Wooyoung wished he could stay at Sans house, continuing to make his fantasies a reality, San had a court case he needed to work on for work and Yeosang had an assignment that needed finishing for school.

So as late afternoon hit, Wooyoung and Yeosang had packed up their bags, kissed San goodbye, and left in the direction of the lift to the car park since Wooyoung had his car and was giving Yeosang a lift home.

This whole date had taken a lot of twists and turns but overall Wooyoung was happy that he'd gotten everything he wanted to say off his chest and that he had gotten to spend some loving quality time with his two boyfriends. His day had been perfect and he couldn't wait until they were all together again.

He was kind of bummed that he couldn't start telling people that he was dating San and Yeosang just yet, but he could understand where Yeosang was coming from in asking them to wait. He just hoped that everything would run smoothly when Yeosang had his family dinner.

Yeosang was tough, but everyone has their weak spots and Wooyoung knew that if his parents pushed too hard then that could really hurt Yeosang, they were already being difficult.

Wooyoung knew that all Yeosang wanted was to be accepted by them, and for his parents to stop trying to persuade him with their words.

Hopefully his parents would realise soon that being gay didn't change their son; he was still the same boy they had always loved and cherished, and hopefully they'd come to understand that although he will listen to their opinions because he cares about them, at the end of the day it was his choice on how he wanted to live and who he was, not theirs.

The fact that they hadn't cut their son off like Yeosang had dreaded gave Wooyoung the assurance that all they needed was time so they could view things with fresh eyes.

So until Yeosang's dinner Wooyoung was prepared to wait. If the dinner went well then Wooyoung would support Yeosang and even his parents if need be, and if the dinner didn't go well Wooyoung was prepared to catch Yeosang if he were to fall, and step in and put in his two cents.

Yeosang couldn't let his parents hold him back forever and if they can't meet eye to eye then Wooyoung was prepared to push his boyfriend so he could stand strong on his own two feet.

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