Amber Skies

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Visions of San kept playing over and over again across Yeosang's eyes like a film reel.

From the moment he had left San after their kiss in the car, right up until now, the evening he was seeing the younger male and Wooyoung for their date the memory of the touches and kisses they'd shared thus far were permanently etched beneath the skin of his fingertips and the across the surface of his lips.

They sent a burning desire spreading through his veins that had him closing his eyes, running his fingers over his lips and his hand through his hair, just to enhance the memory in his mind.

But the memory of San's lips and his touch weren't the only thing that burnt cinders through his conscious.

Thoughts of the younger males body, his narrow waist and toned arms, his cute dimpled smile, smooth voice and baby pink shade of his blushing cheeks were all present, and the memory of each one of those things made his tummy feel fuzzy and his cheeks feel warm.

But why was that so? Technically they weren't even dating. Sure they were now in a polyamorous relationship, but it was Wooyoung that he was officially dating, it was Wooyoung that he loved and dedicated himself to, so why was it that San that occupied his thoughts and not Wooyoung?

Why was it that his heart had begun to beat for San, and just why had he begun to desire the younger males presence just so he could watch him blush and smile?

Never ever had he felt the need be with San or to talk to him unless in was regarding Wooyoung, and although Yeosang could admit that San was attractive, long before he could admit to himself that he was indeed gay, San had never once made his heart beat faster like this. So it was weird to have this strange irregular drumming in his chest now.

This feeling within him for San had appeared lightning quick, and Yeosang couldn't help but wonder whether his possible feelings for San were genuine or whether they formed because of something else.

Maybe these feelings that coursed and curved their way under his skin like ivy existed simply because they kissed, maybe these tangled feelings came from a place of lust, a basic inner desire of knowing what San hid beneath his surface and wanting to have that again, or maybe what he felt only existed because he felt an inner responsibility to do what Wooyoung had subtly told him?

It was obvious that Wooyoung wanted them all to be together, to turn their couple relationship into a throuple one. So maybe these feelings he had were just a product of that responsibility he felt to fulfil Wooyoung's every request and desire.

Maybe he felt like he had to like all of these small details about San simply because Wooyoung himself probably liked them.

Despite Yeosang's confusion he knew that these feelings brewing within him weren't there prior to the sleepover at Wooyoung's, and despite not knowing their cause, he knew he couldn't ignore them.

Yeosang had to face what he was feeling head on, only then would he be able to understand his feelings and move forwards, and there was only one way to truly do that and it meant facing San and talking about what was on his mind.

San was the cause of his feelings after all, and Yeosang felt like he could comfortably talk about his own feelings with the younger. . or at least try.

There was no use keeping them to himself, and he was pretty sure that if he mentioned his feelings to Wooyoung, the younger would either tell him to talk with San, or he'd get really excited about the thought of San and himself together, and Yeosang didn't want to get his boyfriends hopes up just in case what he was feeling wasn't genuine.

Yeosang hadn't even been able to admit to his high school best friend and current dorm roommate Seonghwa that he was now in a relationship so there was no use dropping his uncertain feelings on him either, especially when he had no idea how Seonghwa would react to him being in a polyamorous relationship. Seonghwa was a pretty open person, but the thought of telling him that he was dating Wooyoung and sharing him with San just seemed like too daunting of a task.

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