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After getting back to his room Yeosang quickly located his phone and then paced up and back across his room while he stared at the screen, or more in particular his sisters contact number.

It was just a simple contact, he didn't even have a picture set it was just the default first letter so in this case a large grey 'J'.

He felt anxious to hit that call button. What would he say? Where should he start?

Yeosang sat down on the edge of his bed, his leg fidgeting up and down.

"Calm down you idiot" Yeosang told himself.

He closed his eyes and then took a deep breath, when he opened them though he almost gave himself a heart attack at realising he'd hit the call button by accident.

"SHIT" Yeosang whisper shouted before holding the phone to his ear.

There was static silence and then;"Hello? " the sound of Jeongyeon's voice sounded in his ear.

"Um H-hii" Yeosang squeaked back. There was no turning back now.

"Are you ok?" Jeongyeon questioned, "Yeosang?" she called after getting no response.

"Ahh yes me hi. Good. Yes" Yeosang slapped his face, he sounded like an idiot right now and he knew it. Yeosang could almost see in his mind the confused face his sister probably had right now. "This is weird" Yeosang eventually sighed.

"You don't say" Jeongyeon answered, her voice full of light-hearted sarcasm.

Yeosang scooted back on his bed so he was resting on his headboard, and he pulled his legs to his chest. If he had a phone with a cord he'd probably be nervously twirling it between his fingers right now.

"Sorry I missed your call last night" Yeosang eventually said.

"It's ok. You're on the phone now that's what matters! It's nice to know you're not ignoring me"

Yeosang sat forwards a little "Ahhh sorry, I wasn't ignoring you. . .I just wasn't really in a position to answer calls until now"

"Ahhh were you with San still when I called?"


"If you weren't with San then why didn't you answer?" Jeongyeon sounded a little cold in her tone, it didn't faze Yeosang though, they'd had years of giving one another the cold shoulder.

Yeosang picked at the sheets he was sitting on nervously, his finger tracing one of the little star flourishes woven into the pattern of his doona "I was just. . .drunk"

Jeongyeon snorted and chuckled, Yeosang quickly pulled the phone away from his ear just to check that indeed was his sister on the phone.

"You were drunk?" Jeongyeon chuckled again "Now that would be a sight to see! Did you and San have some fun?"

"What? No! It was only our first date!! He just carried me back to my room with the help of my roommate & his boyfriend and then he left"

"So wait!! wait!! You're telling me you passed out on your first date and had your date carry you back to your room. . .drunk?"


Yeosang could hear clapping through the phone "Real classy Yeosang. But it's nice to know that we're still alike in some respects"

"We- we are?" Yeosang wasn't sure what his sister meant by that, they were siblings so wouldn't they be alike regardless?

"Remember how I said yesterday that I've known that I like girls since I kissed Sana at Johnny's birthday?"

𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 • 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now