His Smile

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Prior to returning to his dorm room Seonghwa had been studying with his boyfriend Hongjoong and two other students from their class on a group design project in the library; they had booked one of the study rooms and had been working away all afternoon.

By the time their booked time was up they were all exhausted and were in need of some much needed down time.

While their two friends had parted ways at the library entrance Hongjoong and Seonghwa stuck together holding hands as they walked back to the dorms.

On the way Hongjoong asked Seonghwa if he wanted to come back to his dorm room for dinner and a movie, suggesting he wanted something fun but with action to watch.

Of course Seonghwa said yes, because saying no to his Joongie Bear was never an option, and he also knew the perfect movie as well; Spiderman.

Knowing he owned the dvd he had told Hongjoong he'd go grab it and would meet him back at his room in 10. He had then kissed Hongjoong on the cheek before happily skipping back to his room to get it, blissfully unaware as to what he was about to walk into.

When he had first opened his door Yeosang was screaming a stream of 'yes's', and a collection of groans distinctively from another male flowed straight through the bathroom door rendering Seonghwa wide eyed and frozen in place.

Although he hadn't done the deed himself just yet he'd often heard people having sex around the dorm facility, so it wasn't hard to decipher what the sounds he could hear coming from within the bathroom walls meant, and he had no doubts in his mind as to what Yeosang was doing.

Overhearing other people having sex still made Seonghwa uncomfortable, and while he felt uncomfortable right now he was more dumbfounded to hear such sounds coming out of his best friend, and on top of all that he was shocked because he didn't even know Yeosang was seeing let alone possibly dating anyone.

Ever since Seonghwa had met Hongjoong last year he had chosen to be very open in discussing his relationship with Yeosang in hopes that it would encourage Yeosang to open up about his love life and talk about his feelings.

He'd watched Yeosang date girl after girl throughout high school and he'd observed how Yeosang would put on fake smiles and pretend that he was fine when really he was anything but.

Seonghwa had seen Yeosang bottle all of his worries, doubts and pain within, holding onto the illusion that he was in a healthy relationship until everything finally crumbled before his eyes leaving Yeosang more empty than where he was when he first entered the relationship.

Yeosang would act like he was fine, but Seonghwa knew him well enough to know otherwise.

Even with Yeosang's most recent relationship although the younger had seemed happy and would smile more genuinely than usual Seonghwa being around Yeosang so often could still see the cracks in their relationship.

Seonghwa knew that if Yeosang could just open up then he could support him, and that he could help the younger avoid falling into the same dating patterns, or at least help ease the burdens he placed upon himself.

Seonghwa just wanted to help and he wanted Yeosang to come to him first because he believed that if he tried to intervene himself then Yeosang might shut down and completely shut him out for good. Yeosang needed to want help in order to fully embrace help.

Thankfully Seonghwa's method of being open himself in hopes of getting Yeosang to open up was proven true when Yeosang had come out as gay and had started to open up about his feelings for a particular pretty boy: Jung Wooyoung.

Seonghwa had suspected the feelings Yeosang had for Wooyoung long before he had come out, but Seonghwa never wanted to pry and impose his thoughts by asking Yeosang directly about it.

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