Customer Service Issues

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"Ma'am, I don't know what you want me to do about this. It's not my fault you spilled coffee on your scone." Renjun drawled, looking at the coffee soaked scone on the ceramic plate the lady had shoved in front of his face.

It was a slight lie- alright, a major lie. It was completely his fault that she spilled coffee on her scone. She just didn't know that. It's her fault for being rude when she was ordering.

"Can't you get me a new one? A refund?"

If Renjun knew he was going to have to deal with this, he wouldn't have even bothered to ruin her scone. Is this... karma? Nah, she's just a pain.

"I mean... I'd have to take it up with the manager."

Out of all the times he's caused a customer to spill something because they were rude, he's never had one demand a refund or a replacement. They all just got mad at themselves and continued to eat it soggy. This was a new experience.

The lady set her plate down on the counter a little too harshly, crossing her arms. "I'll wait."

Renjun refrained from sighing as he turned around to "page the manager." He had to make it look like he was using a pager button that the others used, but he was tugging on Johnny's bracelet a little too harshly to get him to come down.

When that didn't bring him down within a few seconds, Renjun caught Xiaojun on his way upstairs for a snack.

"Xiao, can you get Johnny for me? This lady wants to speak with him." Renjun rolled his eyes, knowing the lady couldn't see.

"Yeah, sure."

Xiaojun ran upstairs, and alerted Johnny of "an angry Karen," as he phrased it. Johnny sighed. He had been trying to ignore the aggressive bracelet tugging he felt, knowing it would just mean trouble.

Brushing his flour covered hands off and putting on his best customer service smile, Johnny went down to the ground level of the cafe, taking over for Renjun.

"How can I help you?"

The lady smiled, pleased to see the manager. Renjun almost scoffed.

"I spilled coffee all over my scone," she motioned to the plate on the counter, "and this young man here wouldn't give me a refund or a new one."

Renjun opened his mouth to correct her, but Johnny gave him a look that made him shut up and take a seat on a stool by the wall.

"Unfortunately, we ran out of scones a few minutes ago. Is there anything else I can help with?"

Renjun was expecting the lady to go feral, absolutely feral. Instead, she just smiled.

"No, that was it. Thank you." And then she took her soggy scone and happily sat back down to attempt to eat it.

Johnny turned to Renjun with a sigh.

"That's the third time this week I've been paged. It's Tuesday. Who let you be on register?"


"Well then, get back to your job and I'll make someone take over for you soon." Johnny messed up Renjun's hair as he turned to go back to the kitchen. "Oh, and we do still have plenty of scones."

Renjun smirked, standing up to man the counter once more. He had no idea if Johnny knew he had made the lady spill her coffee, but if he did know he didn't seem to care.

Jungwoo came down a few minutes later, probably because he was getting in the way in the kitchen and those actually working were getting a bit annoyed.

"What's up, Woo?"

"Nothin'. Just thought I'd make sure you don't set someone's hair on fire."

"That was once and you know that was an accident."

Jungwoo shrugged, sitting down on the stool with a teasing smile. Renjun was about to remind him of the circumstances he had been under when a customer came up to the counter.

"One Americano from Hell, please."

Jaemin leaned onto the counter on his elbows, Renjun giving him a dead look. He was tired and very much wanted to be done so he could go draw in the basement.

"You know how to make it, just go upstairs and do it yourself."

"We both know the hyungs aren't going to let me. Johnny already saw me drink one this morning."

"As if they won't recognize the order when it goes up to them."

Jaemin pouted, "Please? I've got four more hours at the elementary school and I will die if I don't have coffee."

"I'll take care of it." Jungwoo offered, bounding up the stairs. He knew if he told Jaehyun directly he wouldn't mention it to any of the others or refuse.

While waiting, Jaemin started rambling about the adorable kids he got to work with today, and then there was the kid who decided to move his crayons to another cup with his tongue. The only thing that stopped him was another customer coming in who required Renjun's attention.

Even then he thought it'd be a great idea to low-key flirt with her until Jungwoo came back down with his Americano.

"Love you, Woo. You're the best."

The two exchanged a series of finger hearts while the girl watched in confusion. She almost forgot why she was there in the first place.

That was reason number six on Renjun's list of why he hated working register.

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