Scones and Rearranging

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Mark happily ran down the stairs with a plate of scones in his hands that he almost spilled all over the place. They had been left over from the cafe, but his Aunt gave them to him to share since they'd be stale by morning.

"Look what I got!" He set them down on Yuta's bed, giving the boys the perfect time for a break. 

Mr. Suh had just gotten around to getting another dresser into the basement now that Yuta was with them, so the boys were trying to figure out how to put that together while rearranging the room. It wasn't going exactly how they wanted it to, making Mark's distraction perfect.

"I swear my Mom likes you better than me." Johnny complained as he bit into the lemon blueberry scone.

"I wouldn't be upset if it gets us these." Yuta commented, and Haechan and YangYang started making dramatic noises to express how good they were.

"So once we get the dresser together somehow, we have to rearrange all of our stuff and then there's the sleepover stuff and the crates. Right? Then we're done?" Jaehyun asked to confirm, but mainly because he wasn't paying attention when they were making a plan.

"Something like that."

The boys had gotten tired of getting the sleepover blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows down from the upstairs every time someone wanted to stay the night, but Johnny's Mom would flip if they just left them on the floor. And Jungwoo had already tripped over them. So they were taking the wooden storage crates that were piled up under the stairs and putting everything in there, then using old chair cushions to put on top so they could double as chairs.

Once they had finished with their snack break and Mark went back upstairs with Sicheng to help Mrs. Suh, Yuta and the youngest three rearranged the beds so Johnny's wasn't angled in the corner but now next to Mark's. The ends of Jaehyun and Johnny's beds had only enough room for someone to walk through, and the two dressers were going to go in the corner.

Jungwoo was the only one not doing any heavy lifting, personally putting himself in charge of folding up the sleepover stuff and organizing it into the crates. After that he got the vacuum out and trailed behind everyone with it to clean up.

It was a lengthy process, but the room looked a lot cleaner when they were done. The whiteboard was moved from the corner it had been in to under the stairs now that the crates weren't there, and Yuta added some drawings to the corners of it.

"Alright! Now we have gummies and juice boxes!" Mark exclaimed, once again running down the stairs with the goodies in his arms. Sicheng was right behind him with a couple of juice boxes, and they were all placed on Yuta's bed again.

"It looks super cool down here."

"We should all spend the night to celebrate!" YangYang had the biggest smile on his face as he unwrapped the straw to his juice box and stuck it in.

"You just want to sleep over again." YangYang shrugged even though Jaehyun was right.

"I don't know if my parents will let me, but I'd have to ask." Jeno replied, Sicheng and Haechan making various gestures to show they would have to too.

"So you guys are all going to try and sleep over? For real?" Mark was now extra excited, causing Yuta to coo and pinch his cheek.

"I can try..."

"What about you, Jungwoo?" Jaehyun asked since he hadn't seen him try to say anything, and he quickly started nodding. It's not like his parents would notice anyways.

So once Sicheng, Jeno and Haechan went home and got permission to spend the night, they set up the basement for a movie night. Which basically ended up in a massive cuddle party until they fell asleep.

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