Future Filler: Smells Like Teen Spirit Pt.3

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The last person that Johnny wanted to see was standing on the top step. She was wearing the same chequered grey skirt suit that she was earlier in the morning, her platinum blonde hair was tied up at the crown of her head and she still had plum lipstick slicked on her fake smile. The very sight of her was a hurtful blow to him.

"Hello, you!" Sarah Aldred glided down the stairs, "You seem surprised to see me"

"W-What are you doing here?!" Johnny heard himself ask her, pulling his hand away from the door handle.

He wanted to ask her so many other things, such as what she saw in that man that she didn't see in him and how long it had been going on for, but he was just too dumbstruck.

"I was invited here to do an internship talk with the business students, silly!" Sarah answered flirtatiously, leaning in to kiss him.

Johnny briefly put his hands on her slender waist as he meekly kissed her back, but kept his distance afterward. He knew that everything else was just an act to keep him from knowing the truth. Yet he was still in a trance answering every question that she had and pretending that he never saw what she did earlier that morning.

She fixed his shirt collar over his jumper, and took the joint out of his mouth, "You bad boy... are you ditching class to get high?"

Johnny took it from her quickly, "No no, I-"

"You all set for tonight?" Sarah interrupted, and he knew she was just pretending to take an interest. Everything else that she said and did was now so transparent.

"Yep." Johnny broke eye contact, and gently pushed her hands off of him,"Babe, listen... we need to talk"

"Talk about what?" she murmured frostily.

The dangerous look in Sarah's light gazelle eyes knocked him off balance, and her lips formed an unimpressed pout. She always did that when she was ready for an argument, so it was a warning sign for Johnny to either stop talking or change the subject. And the school corridor was no such place to cause a scene.

He panicked, "Nothing, nothing... I guess I'll tell you tonight"

"Mhmm, good!" Her gaze softened as she beamed, her hands snaking back around his neck, "So when's Roshni coming to pick me up then?"

"I... I can't say, I'll have to call you back," He murmured, "H-Have you picked a prom dress yet?"

"Yep, you're gonna love it!" she pecked his lips quickly, and curtly broke away from him, "Gotta get back to the office. See you tonight!"

"Love... you..." he said what he always said to her before they'd part ways, but this time it was much harder.

"Love you too!" She waved back at him as she sashayed down the corridor.

He stared at his feet as he listened to each clip-clop of her white loafers grow fainter and fainter, feeling even more trapped and thinking, "Why me? Why does it fucking have to be me..."

Sarah disappeared around the corner, and coincidentally his twin sister Roshni reappeared coming from the other direction. She looked at her brother's soon-to-be ex girlfriend passing by her with puzzlement as to why she looked so happy.

When she saw her brother standing at the boys toilets she sped up even though running in the corridors was not permitted.

"Hey!" she whispered when she finally reached him.

Johnny silently nodded in acknowledgement and looked up.

"She looked rather happy. Aren't you supposed to dump her?"

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