Doing all right, part 3

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"I managed to grab the last toothbrush on the shelf. Are you sure you don't want me to bring you a spare change of clothes?" Phoebe set the bag of shopping down on the side table.

"The pyjamas are all I need, Phoebe. Honestly. As long as we have snacks and nappies we are fine."  Monica started unloading the items into the drawer.

Johnny sat up against his father's chest as he sat on the top corner of the hospital bed, settled with his shoes and jacket off, watching his two children sitting across from each other on the mattress. Johnny's leg now had a temporary plastered cast on it, and was propped up on a pillow for comfort until the medical team would come along.

"Don't play with that, darling," Freddie gently lifted the blood pressure oximeter wired to Johnny's finger out of Roshni's small hands. "We need that to see if Johnny's a healthy boy and if you break it, well, that wouldn't do much good, would it?"

"What it do?" She asked as he set it down on the side table.

"I don't have a bloody clue..." Freddie wanted to say.

"It keeps a rate of how well your brother is."

"Do it hurt?" She asked.

Freddie looked at Johnny for answers, and the boy just shook his head silently, a deadpan facial expression.

"He's been so brave... two years of age, and I can't last two bloody minutes inside a room with a llama." Freddie thought, hand running through his son's brown hair affectionately.

"Daddy, where's my teddy?" Roshni crawled over to him.

"Oh, your teddy is at home in your cot." He continued to rub Johnny's head.

"But why Johnny got his?!" She pointed at his bear tucked under the duvet, her small lips in a pout.

"Because he will be sleeping with mummy here tonight after the doctors fix his leg," he let her crawl under his arm so that he was now cuddled up with his two children. "You, me and Phoebe will be coming home."

Meanwhile Monica stood at the window once she'd finished unpacking, looking out at the street and city lights below.

"Tough situation, huh?" Phoebe joined her. "Do you want to go outside for a walk?"

"Maybe down the corridor will do. It's a cold night." Her voice turned down to a hush as she anxiously looked over at her family on the bed.

He nodded and linked arms with her, "The corridor it is then... we won't be a minute.'

"Monica, love, are you alight?" Freddie lifted his head.

"Oh, I am fine," she swallowed, and rubbed their heads. "Mummy's just going outside for a bit."

"Are you sure?" He noticed tears in her eyes.

She pushed him back down gently, "I'm alright, I just need a little walk."

"We both do." Phoebe opened the door.

"But you've both been on your feet all day!" Freddie said.

"Trust me, I'll feel better." She exhaled.

"Well, alright then. Come here, you two." Freddie sat up against the headboard,allowing them to nestle back close.

She smiled, and shut the door after her upon leaving.

"Feebs, do you think Freddie and I are bad parents?" She whispered the moment the door clicked shut.

"Of course not." he put his hand on her back as they began walking.

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