Flashback Filler- Freddie's excess, part 1

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The Savoy, London

"Are you sure you've come to the right venue?" The doorman eyed the couple standing on the steps.

"Of course we have, look! The company's brand name is on my sleeve, I bought a car from it!" Freddie showed off his bomber jacket, his index finger lining up and down the capitalised 'ROLLS ROYCE' running up the side of his sleeve.

"It's not part of the dress code though, is it sir?"

Monica flushed pink, peeking under her camel coat and looking at the little black bow dress she had chosen to wear.

The men and woman who has passed them and been allowed entry to the Rolls Royce gala were in evening frocks and tuxedoes or suits, and mainly 40 years or older no less. Her and Freddie were in gear for a night out.

If she'd known there was a formal code (although Freddie hadn't really shown her the invite; it was a last minute decision) she would've tried to find something along the same lines. She knew he wasn't a suit person either.

"Well, you have an invite, and you're on the list. So I suppose I should let you in." Reluctantly, the doorman stepped aside.

Monica zoned out as she walked into the lobby, with its gold lightning, rococo decor and Italian marble tiles, was indeed a warm setting.

The reception they'd received the moment they stepped out of the black cab? Not so much.

"Good evening. Can I take your coats?" A man from the cloakroom called.

"Please, sir." Freddie unzipped his chunky bomber jacket, and Monica unlinked her arm from his.

She looked around as she started unbuttoning her coat, and leaned closer to him, "I feel so out of place."

"Me too, believe me... I should've looked closer at that bloody invite." He sighed, handing the cloak man his jacket.

"We will just have to see how the night goes, alright?" She whispered, rummaging through her gold mesh evening bag for a pound.

He nodded and took their tickets, "I need a drink. What do you want?"

"You know what? If I am going to face this lot I think I will need a Bloody Mary." She looked around for the entrance to the dining room.

"Good choice," he kissed her cheek, taking her hand again. "Let's find the bar."

1 hour (and a dozen empty glasses) later...

Monica watched Freddie from her seat at the dining room booth that they were directed to earlier in the night as he rushed out of the bathroom, skipping to their table energetically like he would on stage with a dazed expression.

He said he'd needed the toilet. It wasn't a concern of hers, considering the fact that they had a buffet meal and he had ordered beverage after beverage from the barman at the end of the room.

What did worry her though, was the fact that he had been in the toilet for ten minutes.

"Well, someone is in a good mood." She giggled as she stood up to let him squeeze past.

"Oh darling, I am positively jolly!" He sang, whipping her close.

The older couple sitting across from them , a renowned Kensington property developer and his socialite wife, simply looked back scornfully.

"He is-well, I am afraid it's not often that we get invited to formal dinners like this one." Monica blushed and yanked her head back, pushing his mouth away from her neck.

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