Flashback filler-funny how love is

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It's been a while since I have updated this fic and I haven't had much time to update the next chapter (It's hard to work on because college is a busy time, but I get a break at Christmas so hopefully I have time) but somehow I had a short little burst of creativity, resulting in this little flashback. Once again I apologise for not keeping updated, especially during such an exciting time in their relationship, but I hope what you're about to read will be another one even if it's a little racier and not relevant at the moment. Enjoy!

1977, a few months into their relationship...

Freddie woke to the sound of Monica rummaging through a chest of drawers. He reluctantly opened his eyes to find her dressed, hair brushed, face made up very lightly as always.

"Babe..." he sat up gently. "What is it that you are looking for?"

"Found it! Just a pen and paper..." she glanced over as she scribbled notes down.

"Whatever for?" He rubbed his head.

"A shopping list." She made her way over to him. "You want anything?"

He held his hand out as she sat on the edge of the bed, "Just your company."

"Oh you know I can't stay..." she took his hand. "Why don't you let me go out and earn my own money?"

"It'll be easier for you if you at least let me help you out." He squeezed her hand.

"Oh Freddie, how many times must I tell you? I don't want you to put me on your payroll." She lifted her bag at her feet and set her shopping list down on the bedside table. "It's a very generous offer, but I'm happy with what I've got and I want to get to where I want to myself."

"What have you got then that you're happy with?" He crossed his arms.

"You." She smiled and rubbed his head, her thumb smoothing his bangs out of the way.

He smiled and kissed the palm of her hand when it reached his lips, "promise me you'll come back to me soon."

"Goodbye love," Monica leaned down to peck his lips. "I'll be back at two."

He smiled tiredly and kissed back, "I'll be here..."

He watched her stand back up, her brown hair falling amongst her milky pale face as her loving gaze never left his. She turned around, him feeling her hand slip away from his bare chest and to her side. He laid back and watched intently as she walked out the bedroom door, already missing the feeling of her touch and warmth, the sound of her deep but mild and melodic Belfast drawl that he'd grown to love.

He sighed sadly as he heard the front door shut, and rolled back over and pulled the disheveled covers closer around him. Luckily her side of the bed still had a warm patch. He shuffled closer and smiled as he slipped his arms around her out-of-place pillow, catching a whiff of her sweet perfume; vanilla and spice.

"Mmm Monica..." he rubbed his cheek against it for comfort, his senses fulfilling her absence...

He thought of the way she walked out not a minute before, her back to him as her brown hair bounced elegantly down her shoulders, and how her outfit for work fell on her natural but leggy figure. How those sweet blue eyes gave one more glance over as she left the room, a gentle smile on those soft pink lips...

"Your body is so good babe..." he let out to himself as lustful thoughts begun to stir, and before he knew it his hand was slipping down his chest.

He let out a moan as his fingers grazed his full erection, and he instinctively rolled onto his back  to get more comfortable, exhaling as his wildest fantasies of her body consumed him as his thumb slid across the tip. His breathing heaved as he pictured her, his long fingers wrapping around and pumping up and down.

"Baby..." he moaned, continuing, closing his eyes in ecstasy as his mouth fell open.

He gasped breathlessly, savouring the images of her as his speed increased, beads of sweat forming on his forehead and upper lip.

"Oh... Monica... yes... f-fuck me..." he choked as his chest heaved up and down, his hand pumping as fast as it could go.

He became so lost in his wet dream, his hips started to buck rhythmically in time with his hand. A few more pumps and he started to cum, letting out a broken moan as he tried to catch his breath again, sweat slipping down his chest and under his legs.

"Mmm..." he exhaled one more time as his hand slipped back to his side, his legs collapsing and head falling back down in the pillow as a dizzy but satisfied smile appeared.

He didn't notice one of the cats jumping up onto the bed. He got a bit of a shock as she rubbed her head against his hand, seeking his petting. His hand found her through tired eyes.

"Oh you gave me a fright, little baby," he cooed, rubbing her head as she purred and curled up next to him. "How long have you been in here? Hmm?"

He grunted as he reached his other arm over slightly to pick her up for a cuddle, only to notice a figure standing at the bedroom doorway.

Monica looked back at him with wide eyes, bag slipping off her shoulder as he froze, exposed and scarcely covered by the sheets.

"I didn't hear you come in." He murmured as his cheeks grew hot, arms settling back by his sides.

"I forgot my shopping list." she squeaked, glancing down to his lower stomach which was splattered in his release.

"Uhh, yes... please do." He sat up and grabbed the duvet Monica's her feet carried her to the bedside table.

He looked down at his lap in shame and tensed, watching her fold up the note and place it into her bag through the corner of his eye. The whole time she tried not to glance at his naked body.

"I'm... I'm sorry." She turned away red-faced, about to leave.

"...I thought of you." Freddie's words stopped her.

She hesitated, smiled to herself, then turned back around, "you did?"

"Mhmm... and about how irresistible you are..." he smirked as he rolled onto his side.

"Oh..." she blushed. "I didn't know that I had that effect on you."

"Shhh baby..." he signalled her to come back over. "You're looking so beautiful this morning."

She bit her lip bad kicked her shoes off before climbing onto the bed, "you know, I don't actually need to leave for work for another 20 minutes."

"Tell me why you had to leave me so early in the first place then..." he licked his lips as she crawled onto him and straddled his hips, and he pushed her coat off her shoulders so that she could toss it aside.

"Because I wanted to get some shopping done, but I think that can wait until my morning shift is over." She smiled and rubbed his cheek, and he puckered his lips for a kiss.

She felt him undo her upper shirt buttons as she kissed back, then fumbling he pulled it off over her head.

"Oh I want you again..." his eyes roving up and down her body as his hands explored her curves.

"You can have me" she unzipped her work trousers, and he rolled her onto the bed.

He pinned her wrists down by her head as she slipped her legs around his waist.

"You kept your promise." He said, nose touching distance from her.

"...oh?" She looked up at him silently.

"You came back." He smiled.

"Unintentionally." She giggled as he kissed her jaw.

"Just like how we met." He nuzzled the side of her face.

"Oh yes." Her lips met his, and they gazed at one another.

"That's what I love about life,"  he said a moment after they broke. "You always end up where you least expected to."

"Like in the arms of a rock star?" She held his face in her hands.

"Exactly." He smiled. "And his heart."

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