Flashback filler-While I'm far away from you: pt3

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*warning: contains language readers may find offensive*

9 hours later...

"You can go in ten minutes if nobody comes in..." Christina told Monica as she wiped the back counter of her cafe.

The girl nodded and looked at the clock on the wall.

"Twenty minutes to five... twenty minutes until I go home to do absolutely nothing"

She threw the dishcloth into the sink with disdain when her boss disappeared into the back room.

"I wonder what Freddie's doing right now... probably sipping teas or going to a ceremony" she washed her hands under the tap.

Just then she heard the bell at the door I ring, followed by the laughter of a group of adolescents behind her.

"Oh no, teenagers," she thought with dread, knowing that the younger they were more difficult customers they tended to be, "Why am I even being hasty about them? I still am one!"

Three teenage school boys stood at the glass counter, looking at the overhead menu.

She didn't recognise any of them as regular customers, or their uniforms. Nonetheless, she wasn't in the mood to deal with them.

"Maybe they're from the suburbs... I know Freddie told me he used to go into town all the time when he lived in the suburbs" she watched as they decided what they wanted, whispering amongst themselves and giggling.

The pang of the thought of Freddie made her zone out, for he was the only reason she was still in London. He was her everything now. The disappointment and longing for him to be back was distracting her all day, for now he was her motivation to way up in the morning.

"Excuse me... excuse me? Miss?"

She snapped back into reality, forcing a smile, "Yes, are you ready to order?"

The freckled ginger teen stepped forward, a smug grin on his face, his eyes elsewhere from hers, "Finally! Can I please have... two large milkshakes?"

His friends snickered, and despite his rudeness she carried on with her job, "Alright, what flavour would you like?"

The boys laughed out loud, and he handed her a five pound note as he glanced to her chest with a wink, "Surprise me, hot stuff"

"Oh, I see what you did there now... Wait until I tell Freddie what you called me, you little sod" she opened the cash machine, her cheeks burning red.

She took the note, showing no warmth or expression as she handed back the correct change, "I'm afraid it'll have to take out as we're closing soon. Is that everything?"

The tubby one with acne and greasy brown hair leaned forward, "Can I have a slice of cherry pie?"

"We don't have cherry pie, sorry" she said flatly.

"I was thinking your cherry pie?" his mouth twisted into a seductive grin that only ended up looking sickly.

"...We don't have cherry pie" she repeated, and the smirk wore off of his face.

She turned around and took two of the larger plastic cups stacked by the fridge as they continued to giggle behind her.

As she scooped vanilla ice cream into the blender jug and poured milk in as part of the preparation, she listened to their  vulgar and humiliating conversation:

"Nice arse on that one"

"Oh yeah... haven't been able to buy a tit rag in a while... I need my fill"

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