When you're younger and life isn't too hard at all

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Garden Lodge, Morning, February 1985

"So..." Monica started as she collected the empty cereal bowls from the kitchen table, "What would you two think of having a baby brother or sister?"

Johnny shrugged as he played with his toy triceratops and diplodocus, "Veronica said baby Joshua was too little for me to play with him"

"Well, newborn babies are delicate creatures" his mother explained as she stacked the ware.

"Do babies come from the hospital?" Roshni asked innocently, Phoebe chuckling behind her as he brushed her hair.

"Most of the time, yes" Monica answered as the toaster popped.

"Michael says Laura and Joshua came from Veronica's tummy and that they got out of her bottom" Johnny got up off the bench.

The two adults in the room simply sniggered, and Roshni asked, "How did Laura and Joshua get inside her tummy though?"

"Oh, that's a secret," Phoebe bent down to her and held outa small handful of her hair accessories in his palm as he gently asked, "Now, which clip would you like? The cherry blossom clip, or the butterfly?"

"I want the sparkly red Mickey Mouse one please" she said.

"The one that daddy's friend Michael [Jackson] got you?" Monica asked as she sliced the toasted bread, and Roshni nodded.

"Alright, I will go look for it upstairs" Phoebe stood back up and left the kitchen.

"You both better not forget to draw Michael a Thank You letter for such nice Christmas presents" Monica grabbed a cup from the overhead cupboard and placed it in the coffee machine.

"He always gets me something Disney!" Johnny complained.

"I thought you liked Disney!" She put her hands on her hips.

He pouted, "Too many princesses!"

"Daddy won't like that" she murmured as she finished setting up a tray for Freddie's breakfast.

Roshni ran up to her, "What if the baby ends up being twins like Johnny and me?"

"There is no baby yet, love. Daddy and I are still thinking about it" she dropped a spoonful of sugar into Freddie's coffee.

"But what if it's twins again?" She repeated.

"Well, we need to prepare a great deal more beforehand if that's the case ... like we had to when you two came along" she poured him a small jug of milk for his coffee and cereal.

"Why can't we go to Switzerland?" Johnny asked.

"Good question... I would love to go back" she thought, but answered, "Daddy hasn't had a reason to be there recently... he was recording an album there while you were born"

"Ohh" underwhelmed by his mother's answer, he went back to the table to play with his toy dinosaurs.

"Found it! It was in your bathroom" Phoebe came back in, holding Roshni's requested plastic diamanté Mickey Mouse clip.

"Thank you for brushing her hair, Phoebe" Monica lifted the tray up off the sideboard, "I'm just going to bring this up to the master of the house"

He chuckled from his spot at the bench as he pinned the wavy curtain of black hair back from Roshni's face, "Not a problem, see you in a minute"

"See you" she walked out of the kitchen carefully, and headed for the staircase.

Garden Lodge's current tabby cat Dorothy was sitting on the landing as she washed her paws

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