The Scans PtII

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Monica gritted her teeth in pain as her hipbone roughly ground against the tarmac.

She widened her eyes as she heard the sound of screeching tyres, swinging her head in the direction of the car coming towards her.

"MONICA!" Freddie wailed as his hands flew up to his mouth.

He was convinced that he was too late... until the car swerved out of its path and towards the street side, narrowly missing her.

"WATCH IT!!" The driver called out at her as the vehicle quickly passed.

Monica stayed still, reclining on the road, her heart beating out of her chest, oblivious to the onlookers. When consciousness settled back in she saw the two prints lying in front of her, and grabbed them frantically.

Freddie immediately launched himself out onto the road after her when it was clear to cross, "Monica!"

She lifted her head as he came over, and sat herself back up.

"Oh my god..." he held his hand out and gently pulled her back up.

She hissed at the pain now in her hip, clutching it. Freddie gently lifted her blouse, ignoring the cars slowly passing around them.

"Oh, you have a large scratch" he fixed it again. "Go easy on it, it'll bruise."

"As long as they're ok." She protectively laid her hands on her bump.

"Oh, you silly goose," he whisked her into his arms. "I thought I'd lost you... and them!"

"I'm sorry... I guess this is going to take some getting used to." She spoke into his shoulder.

The honk of a horn jilted them out of their embrace, "GET OFF THE ROAD!"

"Lets go" Freddie murmured, putting his arm around her and leading her back onto the pavement.

She stopped walking and looked down, hands rubbing her abdomen.

"Monica, what's wrong?" He quietly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I... I failed to protect them" she looked away.

"No no," he lifted her chin. "The night I found out you were pregnant, remember?"

"Oh... yes" she smiled sadly.

"You're in shock," he took her hand. "Lets go home."

"I'm actually feeling hungry," she straightened her trousers. "Can't we stop somewhere?"

"Oh alright... We can get a taxi to Christina's" Freddie suggested.

"Nice idea... she will want to know how the baby-sorry, babies, are doing."

He giggled, signalling a passing black cab, "Hold that thought."


"So, have you thought about names?" Christina stood at the edge of the couples' table, notepad in hand.

Freddie looked over to Monica.

"Well, I feel it's much too early." She replied. "It might be easier to look at them and see what suits."

"Well, now there's two, we can pick something Irish and Persian." Freddie suggested.

"True," Monica nodded. "That'd be nice."

"What about their surnames?" Christina asked.

"Oh shit," Freddie thought. "They can't be named after a fucking planet!"

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