Future filler-Don't leave me here all by myself

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This chapter has major spoilers head (depending on what you consider a spoiler) and therefore has the potential to cause a decrease in my readership. So if you don't want this story being ruined for you then I would recommend that you skip ahead.

Otherwise, well, you have been warned...

Garden Lodge, London, 20th September, 2004

"Ladies your damn right, you can't read a man's mind..." Roshni Bulsara sang along under her breath as her fingers tapped furiously on the keyboard, answering her email from work, "We're living in two tribes, and heading for war..."

The young woman stopped to giggle as Peter Freestone or Phoebe, her father's personal assistant, swung his hips to the beat as he folded away the ironing board in the corner of the kitchen with his back to her.

"Bloody hell, Roshni. Switch that shit off!" Freddie Mercury interrupted, pacing into the kitchen with a towel around his neck as he pat his freshly shaven face dry.

"Leave it on a little longer, I like this bassline" she spoke through a mouthful of cornflakes as she sat at the breakfast bar in front of the laptop.

"So do I!" Phoebe sounded, folding laundry.

"But I thought you hated girl groups... you couldn't even stand The Spice Girls!" Freddie snatched the remote off of the sideboard and pointed it to the television on the wall, "I mean, look! They aren't wearing proper clothes! That's just to compensate for their bad singing!"

"Says you who seemed rather excited when he found out that he was going to be shooting Friday night with Johnathan Ross alongside Girls Aloud next Thursday." his daughter reached back and pulled her long black hair away from her face, tying it into a messy bun at the nape of her neck.

Freddie simply blushed as Phoebe chuckled warmly, "Your old man is still a hot mess"

"Old man? Excuse me! 58 isn't old," Freddie scoffed playfully.

"Your dyed hair and crow's feet say otherwise" Roshni smugly peered over the top of her laptop screen.

He simply shook his head, and looked down at the remote, "Wait until yours starts thinning and going silver."

"It'll be a long while yet before that happens" Phoebe piled the clean washing.

Just as the chorus of the girl group's latest single switched off and to a black screen with pixelated text Freddie began to mutter, "Bloody hell, what are all these blocky letters doing on the screen?!"

"Dad, you're pressing the teletext button again. The off button is the red one at the top" Roshni droned.

"I'll do it" Phoebe set the laundry basket down and came over.

"Thank god for that," Freddie went to the coffee machine, "At least these things are easier"

Roshni shook her head, "You're so tame with technology"

"Says you who fixes people's computers for a living!" He snarled, putting the capsule in.

"Office computers, not personal computers!" She corrected him.

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