A hairy dilemma-Pt 3

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Garden Lodge

"So, what do you think?" Monica asked.

Freddie stared at the new Austin Maestro parked in the yard of the Logan Mews, its red paintwork flashing underneath the garage and street lighting.

"...It's a bit ordinary, isn't it?" He murmured.

"Well, that's what we want," she said, "Something inconspicuous in the public eye"

He crossed his bare, goosebump arms under the summer evening breeze, "I'll stick to the merc and Royce then. I thought that Rover was supposed to be a dog's name"

"So much for my first ever car" Monica sighed just as Phoebe came out.

"Is this it? A big red?" He went to their side.

"Look, Phoebe! It's a box!" Freddie pointed.

"And since when did you start caring so much about cars when you can't even drive?" Monica put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, Freddie! When did you you start caring so much about other people's cars?" Phoebe jabbed with a giggle.

"Does it at least have a sound system?" Freddie took a sharp drag of his cigarette.

Monica nodded, "A cassette player and everything!"

Just then did he nod in approval, "I guess that's something"-

"A space ship!" They heard a scream behind him.

The three adults turned to see Johnny, running out towards them in his pyjamas and bare feet, donning his smart new bowl haircut.

"Johnny, I thought that you were in bed!" Phoebe crossed his arms.

The little boy put his small hands on the bonnet, jumping up and down, "I want to ride it! I want to ride it!"

With an annoyed huff, Freddie threw away his cigarette and went over to pick him up, "You can have a go in it tomorrow. It's bedtime now"

"But the sun is still up!" the boy pouted as his father put him on his hip.

"It doesn't matter, you still need your sleep!" Monica said.

"I'll see you upstairs in a moment," Freddie said to the adults, "Say goodnight to mummy and Phoebe, Johnny"

"Goodnight to mummy and Phoebe, Johnny" he repeated sullenly.

Monica giggled and leaned over to kiss Johnny's cheek, "Sweet dreams, sweetheart"

Freddie began carrying him away into the back gate leading to the house, and Phoebe waved at him as he looked back over Freddie's shoulder, "Don't let the bedbugs bite"

Monica turned to Phoebe once they were alone, "If only Freddie was that nurturing towards them more"

"You know he puts on that tough facade to hide his heart of gold," he shook his head, buttoning up his chequered shirt, "By the way, I came down to tell you that I got the bubbles going in the jacuzzi"

"Really? Great! Thanks!" She smiled as she took her new car keys out, "Well in that case, I better reverse her into the garage and lock up for the night."

Phoebe watched as she climbed into her new mode of transport, more than happy that she would now, several years on, finally gain some liberty in the city she now called her home.


"Will she give me a ride in it?" Johnny looked up at his dad pleadingly.

Freddie affectionately rubbed his son's forehead as he sat on the edge of his mattress, "Of course she will. Mummy never breaks her promises"

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