"Come sit. Breakfast is about ready, you must be hungry," Molly said as she flipped the last few pancakes.

"Always," Hermione said as she walked around the table with Ron and Ginny. As they sat down across from the three of us. Molly started to give out the pancakes she made. Starting with us girls first, knowing that the boy would have eaten all of them by themselves if she didn't. As she passed me my pancakes Fred and George both kept trying to steal my food.

"Watch it," I said firmly as I set my plate back down in front of me. Molly quickly giving her staring boys their pancakes as George and I ended up reaching for the syrup at the same time. Our fingers brushing against each other. I felt butterflies swarm in my stomach. I quickly pulled my hand back as George looked down at me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I looked up at him as he gestured for me to take the syrup first. I smiled a bit as I reach for it. Pouring syrup onto my pancakes as George watched me. Once I was done, I passed it back off to George as I cut into my pancakes. 

"So kids, what is the plan for today?" Molly asked as she sat down with her cup of coffee and a plate in front of her.

"I was thinking about going into town and doing some shopping," I said before taking another bite of my pancakes. 

"Ooo, fun. Anything in mind that you are going to buy?" Molly asked.

"Nothing in particular," I said as I looked over at the boys.

"Can I join?" Ginny asked.

"Of course. I was planning on going to some stores around here and the head to Diagon Alley."

"Great, I just need to find one more book for this year," She said.

"I'll give you some money Gin," Molly said.

"No worries Molly. I'll take care of it," I said as I whipped around my mouth.

"Daisy you are too sweet. You don't have to," She said.

"But I want to. Ginny is one of my best friends," I said.

"Hey!" Fred exclaimed with a mouthful of pancakes.

"What about us?" George asked as he gurgled on his coffee.

"Okay, both of you are so gross. But Ginny is one of my best girl-friends, there is that better for you two?" I said as I sat back in my chair.

"Very," Fred said as he reached his fork onto my plate and stool the last of my pancakes. 

"Much better," George said as he elbowed me. 

"Good," I stated, "Anyone else want to come with us?"

"I will pass. I am going to rest," Hermione said.

"I'll come," Ron said as he shoved more food in his mouth. Does he ever stop eating?

"Same here," George said.

"Nope, I am going to sleep," Fred said.

"Your loss," I said. Breakfast wrapped up a few minutes later. All of cleaning off our plates before setting them in the sink. Then those of us who were going shopping went to get ready. I kept on what I was wearing and just pulled my hair up into a high ponytail before brushing over my teeth again. After that, I applied a little mascara to my eyelashes and went to grab my little purse that had some muggle money and wizarding money in it. Hoping to find some pajamas for Fred and George. When I opened my bedroom door, George was waiting right outside.

"Hey there Georgie."

"Ready Daisy?" He asked as he straightened out his shirt. 

"Let's go," I said eagerly as we began to walk down the steps. Meeting Ron and Ginny at the bottom. Before we headed out I went to say goodbye to my dad. Who was in his study with Remus and Arthur, deep in conversation. I lightly knocked on the door before entering.

"Hey flower," My dad said as he got up out of his chair and walked over towards me as I took a few steps into the room. Remus and Arthur turning around in their chairs. 

"Hey, I just wanted to say bye. Ginny, Ron, George, and I are heading out to do some shopping for a little bit," I said as he wrapped me into a hug, "What are you three trouble makers up too?"

"Oh nothing, deciding what we should do about Harry and discussing what we will be talking about at our next meeting," My father replied.

"Can I join?" I asked as I looked at the three of them. Knowing I would need all their validation since they had all raised me at some point. The three of them all looking at each other giving me the dad look.

"Not this time, kiddo," Remus said as he placed his hands on his thighs.

"Alright, if you say so," I said as I turned around to leave, "Do you need anything while I am out?"

"We should be good," My dad said.

"Just check with Molly," Arthur said, "She knows better than I do."

"Be safe out there," Remus said as I closed the door giving them all a quick smile. I know what they are doing is important and I will understand one day. I just wish I could know now since it is happening at my house. I skipped down the hallways as I saw Ginny, Ron, and George all waiting for me.

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