Chapter 11

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Evermore's P.O.V.

It's been a week since Niall left. He and his friends came down for the weekend but they had to go back Sunday because of the album release.

I'm so happy that I invited Farris and Peyton to my house. Luke would've never found such a great girl, and Liam well Liam and Peyton aren't really anything yet. I know they both like each other, but Liam needs time to heal and Peyton's giving that to him.


Two weeks later

One more week til graduation! I'll finally be out of that school. Yes I love it there but there's times where I'm not totally enjoying it. Did you see what I did there? I stole that from Harry.

Niall and the rest of the boys promised to make it to our graduation ceremony. He said he had a surprise for me so hopefully he makes it.

Babe: Hey Hun! Can't wait to see you! Be ready for your surprise! Love you.

Me: love you too! Can't wait to see you! I'm waiting.

I call Lucki and Spencer over to tell them about Niall and I because they're the last to know. Hopefully they'll take it ok.

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