Chapter 2

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Teachers please dismiss the highschool basketball girls to practice at 2:30.

We get out early for practice thank you Jesus. I really didn't want to have to stay an hour after school. Lilana and I have one more class. We have all the same classes, except Lilana does band and not basketball. We do everything the same except that, and maybe our hair color. I'm a blonde and she's a very dark brunette. She's so beautiful though. It's not fair.


Finally it's time for practice. I quickly run to my locker grab the books I need for homework. Then I grab my bag for basketball and head out the door. It's Wednesday so I have church right after practice.


Practice was ok today. Nothing special. Just the usual conditioning and drills. Time to go home. I hop in my car and drive to my house. I quickly jump out and pull out my key. "Hey Eve."

"Sorry mom can't talk I'm going to be late for youth." That was kinda rude but she understands. I run up the stairs and through my door. My room is a pale pink color. I absolutely love it. It's everything I asked for when we moved here.

I change into my tshirt and jeans. It's winter now, so that means it's going to be freezing. I slip on my hoodie and brush through my hair. Then I grab my keys. After that I make like a baby and head out.

I drive over to Lilanas house and pick her up. "We're going to be late where have you been?" She questions. I sigh and start to drive. "Sorry. I had practice and it went over a little." She looks a little frustrated but she'll get over it. "You've been almost late for everything today you don't need to be late for church as well." I nod and continue to drive. I stop at a red light and look at her. She looks way better than me. I'm all sweaty and stinky. Oh well it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone.

We jump out of the car and full on sprint to the door. We can't miss the free pizza.

We made it just in time to get two pieces each. I'm so happy. I needed something in my stomach because I'm not going to get anything tonight. I have too much homework.


Church is finally over. I have dropped Lilana off and now I'm in my room finishing off my homework. What a long day.

Hopefully it gets better, because I can't take this constant running around.

Too Tall   {nh}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant