Chapter 32

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Nialls P.O.V.

     The honeymoon was absolutely amazing. I'm so happy I married such a wonderful girl. Right now we're sitting in her apartment building, cuddling.

     I feel really bad for her because she woke up this morning and didn't feel too good. She probably caught something while we were there. For now I'm going to stay and take care of her.

     "When do you go back for tour in America?" She asks. I sigh then answer. "I have to go back in two weeks but I promise I'll call everyday." She just nods. "When do you go back to school?"

     She looks up at me. "I don't know. I mean I love it there and basketball is amazing but I really don't know if I should go anymore." I frown. "Eve college is your dream. Why would you throw it away?"

     She just shrugs and cuddles closer into me. "I don't think basketball is my dream anymore." I'm gonna have to call her parents in this. Or they're my parents now too. "Well what is your dream?"

     "I think I want to study cosmetology." She says out of no where. I look at her and smile. "What of you come on tour with us and study with Lou?" She smiles wide. "Well I haven't enrolled myself back in because I don't have the money at the moment so I think that'd be great!"

     "And if I ever want to come back and study OBGYN or basketball again I will." I kiss her forehead.

      "Then it's settled your coming on tour with us!" I say excitedly.


Evermore's P.O.V.

One week later

      I wake up quickly and run to the bathroom. I have this sudden urge to throw up. Niall comes in soon and hold my hair back. He rubs my back and soothes me while I vomit.

     I finish then he hands me a towel. I wipe my mouth off then brush my teeth. I groan then plop back in bed. "Babe what was that about? I thought you were over the sickness?" I shrug.

     "I don't feel bad though. I just really needed to throw up right then." He frowns then walks over to me and puts his hand on my forehead. "Well you don't feel like you have a fever."

      He shrugs then gives me a big sloppy kiss. "Good morning anyway Mrs. Horan!" He shouts. I giggle then kiss him once more.

      "So I was thinking. We should get a house. But not here in Miami." He says. I make a face at him. "Where exactly would we move?" I ask while giggling. "The UK." My eyebrows raised and I jump out of bed. "Oh my gosh Niall please tell me your serious! If you're not in going to strangle you!" I scream.

     "Nope I think I'd been good. Once Lily and Harry get married. And we all know they will we can live close to each other. I mean Louis and El have a house in London and so does Zayn and Perrie. They live beside each other. Please babe?" He begs. I look at him like he's crazy. "Why are you begging I think this is the best idea you've had in a long time!"

      He jumps off the bed and tackles me in a hug. "Well that's settled then! We're moving to London!" He yells.


One week later

     We're leaving for tour today. I already called and told my parents that I'm a grown woman now and I have a husband. They understood completely. My team was the hardest to break the news to though. Yes I'm good but just because I'm tall doesn't mean I want to be a basketball player.

     Anyway, I have woken up every morning this week and the last with the extreme urge to vomit. I'm nervous because I know these are symptoms of pregnancy.

     Also another symptom is late period and guess what? I have that too! I need to confront someone but none of the girls have experience. I know just who to call.

     About thirty minutes later I'm off to the drugs store to buy a pregnancy test. I told niall I was just going to get something and not to worry. I called Aria because I felt like I could really trust her. I find it then pay for it.

     I quickly make it home because I have to pee now. I open my door and run to the bathroom. Niall knocks quietly on the door. "Babe why'd you run in here so fast?" He asks softly. "I just really need to pee and the toilets were filthy there." I say.

     I quickly and quietly pull out the test and pee on it. I set it down and wait about five minutes. I got two just in case so. They start to show up and sure enough it's positive.

     I'm pregnant! I've always wanted kids. And now I have the man of my dreams and this is his child. Or is it? Nah I'm just playing with you!

     I unlock the door and open it to a very confused Niall. He looks at the sink and smiles wide. He pushes past me and picks them up. "You're PREGNANT!" He yells excitedly. I giggle he's such a girl sometimes.

     He drops the test and runs to me. He licks me up and twirls me around then sets me gently on the coach. He gets low to my belly and starts talking. "Hi I know you're the size of a peanut right now but I'm very excited to be your daddy. I can't wait to take you with me everywhere and hug on you and kiss you! Ohh I love you so much! And I love you more!" He says as he reaches up and kisses me sweetly.

     "So we're gonna have a baby Huh?" I say. He nods. "We're gonna have a baby."

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