Chapter 33

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Evermore's P.O.V.

     I texted Lily and told her to come up now. She came rapping on my door with harry close behind. I pull her to my rooms dm close the door.

     "Ok so a lot of new things happening right now. First off, I'm not going back to college. I'm going on tour to study cosmetics. Next, Niall and I are moving to London. Third, impregnant." I say quickly at the last part.

     She smiles wide. "That's great but I didn't catch that last part. Can you repeat it?" She says while giggling. She knew exactly what I said she just wanted to tease me. "I'm pregnant!" I tell her. She jumps up and starts doing a happy dance.

     "AGHHHH MY BEST FRIENDS PREGNANT MY BESTFRIENDS PREGNANT!" She stated while dancing. Harry and Niall come barging in. Harry as a look if complete shock and Niall is just smirking.

     "Congrats mate!" Harry says while patting Nialls back. "Thanks!" He chirps. He comes in and sits beside me. He puts a protective hand over my stomach.

     "Well I'll tell Harry everything else but while we're here we have something to tell you guys." Lily says excitedly. I look at her then look all over her body. "We're engaged!!!" Harry shouts. She giggles. "Again! Yayyyyy!" Niall says sarcastically. "No but seriously I'm happy for you. You need her in you life she makes you really happy mate." Niall states.

     I nod agreeing. They soon leave but I'm going to see Harry in about an hour at the airport. Louis and Zayn are all already at the venue for the first concert. Perrie and El are there as well. I'm so excited to tell them.

     I get up and grab my bags. "We should get going." I tell him. He nods and grabs his and some of my bags. We walk out.


     We're off the plane right now. All of the girls came to see us off. They told their boyfriends/fiancés bye then came to me. I had to tell them then. I told them all everything that would be happening. They were sad then sad again then really super happy.

     I told them I'd see them soon then left them there. I'm now sitting in the airport waiting on Niall. A few fans knew he was coming to this airport and we're waiting for him. A few of them have come up to me and ask for pictures and I always say yes. I mean this is the life of being the wife of a pop star.

      He soon finishes and brings me to the entrance. We hop in the limo and drive to the venue.

     El and Perrie are there we coming me in huge hugs. "I have to tell you something." I tell them. "But I think Niall wants to do it with everyone." They nod. We all walk in. 5sos and the rest of onedirection. "Evermore and I have an announcement to make!" Niall yells as we're entering the bus.

     I giggle. Everyone sits down and gets comfy. "Okay so you all know how Evermore's not going back to college. So we decided it'd be a good idea that we move to London." He announces. Everyone cheers. "That's not all." He says as he comes behind me and places his hands on my stomach.

     "Would you like to do the honors babe?" He asks. I nod. "We're having a baby!" I shout. The girls squeal and the guys all cheer. They all give us their appreciation then get back to what they were going to do.

     "Well now that that is settled I can talk to my baby that's inside my other baby." He says while he kisses my stomach and my forehead. I giggle. He starts to sing lightly to the baby.

     I kiss the top of his head then yawn. He looks up at me and then picks me up and carries me to the bunks. "Take a rest love. You need it. I'll get Perrie or El to come get you before the show starts. I love you." He says softly. I nod then soon drift off.


     Perrie woke me up about thirty minutes ago. I'm sitting in the bathroom already ready. I'm just admiring my stomach. I worked so hard on making it flat and then right as I get it that way I get pregnant. "Eve cmon we gotta go!" Perrie yells while pounding on the door.

     I groan then remember that I have to meet Lou today. I get excited and run out the door. "That's not good for the baby!" Perrie yells not far behind me. I stop and nod. "Yeah I know sorry. I'm just really excited about seeing Lou again."

     She nods in understanding. We walk in and I'm immediately captivated in a hug. I look at the person and see its Lou. "Hi!" She says excitedly. I giggle. "Hi how've you been?" She shrugs. "Oh you know the same! But what I'm more interested in is you being pregnant!" She says. "Well we just found out yesterday. And I'm so happy because Niall was really excited." I tell her. She gives me another hug then walks me to the dressing room.

     Niall comes up to me and embraces me. I smile then hug him tightly back. "How's my baby doing?" He questions. I giggle. "He/she is doing just fine."

     He looks at me and frowns. "I'm talking about you. I know the baby is doing fine but I want to know how you're doing." He says all giggly. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm fine."

     He nods then gives me a sweet kiss. He walks back over to the couches and plops down. "Oh babe by the way I really like that outfit on you. You look beautiful." Niall states nonchalantly. I grin. "Thank you." He smiles.

     I hear a chorus of awes and I look behind me. Looks like all the girls didn't want to miss the first show of the tour. "Ahhhh!" I scream and hug all of them. The boys all look up from their spots and see their girlfriends.

     They all smile and run to them with the exception of Louis and Zayn. I walk over to Niall sitting peacefully on the couch. I sit in his lap. He looks at me and smiles. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask him.

     "You, our family that's growing, how I got so lucky to have such an amazing girl with me. And how you agreed to marry me." I frown. "You know I think the same things just the other way around." He raises an eyebrow. "Evermore before we met you could've had any guy. But you chose me." I chuckle. "Trust me I wouldn't have had any guy. No guy was interested in me. I was just the tall shy smart girl who followed the rules and who was depressed. No one likes a depressed girl."

     "You were depressed?" He questions. I nod. "I don't want to talk about that right now though. You need to go get ready for your show!" He smiles. "We'll talk later though love." I smile and nod.

     He goes and sits in the makeup chair. Lou calls me over and starts to show me a few things. I can't help but laugh a little as she's putting makeup on my husband.

     Once she's done with all the boys' makeup they get dressed then run out. The girlfriends of 5sos already went out to watch their boyfriends perform. I follow the One Direction girlfriends all the way to the crowd.

     We make it to the special spot where we won't get trampled and much more. Their  intro comes on and we all start to scream. Just because I'm his wife doesn't mean i can't fangirl. I start to get giddy as I watch him and the boys sing better than words. We all know what he does in that song.

     It gets to his solo and he does the crotch grab. I literally melt. When they end the song it's Nialls turn to speak. "HEY GUYS! I HOPE YOU LIKE THE CONCERT SO FAR! I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO MY LOVELY LADY IN THE AUDIENCE! I LOVE YOU BABE! NOW WHOS READY TO RUN?!" He yells. All the girls around me shoot daggers at me then turn back. Well then.

     They soon finish off the concert and run off stage. The guards guide us back to the dressing room to find five sweaty boys in their underwear. The other girls, Peyton and Lily, run screaming and me, Perrie and El just walk in. We all giggle then sit down.

     "So how was Evermore during the honeymoon?" The boys whisper to Niall making sure I can't hear them. He chuckles. "Amazing. Now if you'll excuse me I would like to see my wife and child." He says excitedly.

     He runs over to me, now dressed, and picks me up. He carefully walks back to the bus with me in his arms. The boys all follow and sit down in their seats. "Boys aren't you gonna say bye to your fiancés?" I question. Liam and Harry shoot up. They run out of the bus and straight for the building.

     "So would you like to tell me why you were depressed?" Niall asks softly. I nod then begin to explain how I wasn't confident at all. He understood me. We soon fell asleep.

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