Chapter 16

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Three months later

Eve's P.O.V.

"Lily! He's still alive he's fine! Calm down. If you're really worried about him that much you should just go talk to him." Lily has been so stressed about Harry lately. While they were engaged Harry admitted that he used to cut before he met her. Its been tearing her up inside, because she believes he's doing it again.

"I know I should talk to him but I have no idea where to find him. It's like he doesn't want someone to find him. He wants to be out of sight out of mind." I sigh. "Ok Lily I'll see what I can do. Bye." I hang up then call Niall down. He stays at my place when he comes to visit which is every month. I just bought a new apartment building and since Niall practically lives in it he helps pay for it. We do not sleep in the same bed though. Even though I so desperately want to I can't. Not till marriage.

"Niall will you come here for a sec!" I yell. He comes walking in the room shirtless. This is nothing new. "Yeah babe?" He questions. "Please come sit." He smiles then hops over the couch and wraps me in his arms. We sit there and cuddle for a bit then I speak up. "Niall, Lily really wants to know where Harry is. Why won't you tell us?" He sighs. We've had this conversation before. It never ends in a fight but we just don't like talking about it. "Babe you know Harry won't want me to tell her where he is." I nod but I keep pushing the subject. "Please?!" I beg. I see him giving up. "Fine! He's back home in Cheshire. He's been drinking a lot. I think he may be cutting again." He says worriedly.

I see a tear slip down his cheek. I reach up and wipe it away. "I love how sensitive you are of your friends." He smiles then we share a kiss. We break the kiss and I stand up. "Where you going?" He questions. I just smile and turn on my heel to walk out.

I pull out my laptop and book a flight to Cheshire for Lily.

From: Me
Pack a bag for a couple days and come over. Don't ask questions just come.

I walk back out to Niall and see him trying to find a movie to watch on the tv. I see Harry Potter and I start screaming. "Put Harry Potter on please please please?!" He chuckles and pats the spot next to him. "Sure babe." I squeal then run over and jump on his lap. I have gotten so comfortable around him lately that I don't care of I'm too heavy.

He chuckles then wraps his arms around my waist. I smile then lean down and kiss his lips. "Where did you go just a minute ago?" He questions. I smile. "You'll figure it out soon enough."

After that we sit in silence watching our movie. Until I hear a knock at the door. "Ugh why can't we have an hour of alone time!" Niall groans. I just giggle to myself. "I invited someone over." He huffs out a breath and nods. I get up and run to the door. "Why hello my Lily! How has your day been?" She does this little 'you know how it's been' face then walks past me into the apartment.

"Why did you call me over here, and why did you tell me to pack a bag?" She questions impatiently. "So Niall has finally told me where Harry is." I say but before I can finish she attacks him in a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She yells.

I giggle once more then grab her arm and pull her out the door. Right before I could close it Niall jumps out with a shirt on. "I'm coming with you to drop her off." He says as he grabs my hand doing the usual by lacing our fingers together.

I smile at him and he returns it. We walk to his car. He opens my door then runs over to get in his. Lily is already in the car by now so I jump in and close the door. Niall starts the car then pulls out the driveway. I really hope Lily and Harry work things out.


Liliana's P.O.V.

As I'm walking towards my gate I immediately regret asking her to find out where he is. Of course I miss him and I will always love him but I'm scared he's not going to feel the same.

I continue though because I know it's what I want in my heart. I sit down in my seat. Right as I sit down I stand right back up. I go up to my little compartment for my bag and grab my makeup wipes and my laptop. I already have my beats out. I walk back to the bathroom but right before I open the door someone steps out. "Oh I'm sorry did I hit you?!" The girl asks. I look up and my smile grows huge. "No no you didn't. But um hi I'm Lilana." This time her smile grows big. "Lilana Smith?" She questions I nod. "I've heard so much about you! Harry never stops talking about you!" My smile falters as I hear his name. "Oh is something wrong? Are you two in a fight?"

"Actually quite the opposite. He proposed at my graduation and I accepted but after about two months of planning I decided to call of the engagement. So we broke up about a month ago." I state tears filling my eyes. Hers do the same. "Lily it's okay I don't blame you! But we need to get to Harry soon." I nod my head vigorously.

After a few hugs and cries we part ways. Her to First Class and I to Coach. I find my seat and sit down. I plug my earphones in and decide on doing a Merlin marathon for nine hours. Maybe that will set me straight.

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