Chapter 5

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Liliana's P.O.V.

After Eve and Nialls little love fest we walked out of the locker room to be greeted by four all to familiar faces. One Direction. I'm screaming on the inside. I walk out from behind Niall and Eve and see Harry eyeing me up and down. Like what you see. I pull out my phone and get on Twitter. If I can't fangirl on the outside might as well do it on Twitter.

'Best day yet! Just met Niall Horan! Pretty sure him and my friend hit it off. Meeting the rest of the boys now! #MyLocalTeam'

That was the latest hashtag that Louis supported. So I felt as though I needed to too.

I put my phone away and go sit down on the bleachers to watch the rest of practice. Nobody follows me but I don't mind. I just hope they don't take it as though I don't like them.


Eves P.O.V

"So what can I call you besides Evermore? You know because it's sub a mouthful." I feel a little hurt at that last sentence and I guess my face shows that because Niall quickly retorts, "Not that I don't like your name. I think it's beautiful. It's just if we're going to be hanging out for awhile I'm going to need a nickname for you." He says. I nod and say, "Eve. That's what Lilana calls me. And I call her Lily." I explain. He smiles. That smile is going to be the death of me.

We've lost track of time while talking. I take my phone out and check it, 5:00. Oh my gosh practice has been over for two hours now. My moms probably worried sick! I quickly dial up her number and excuse myself from Niall and I's conversation.

Hey mom!
Eve where are you? Your practice has been over for two hours now!
I know mom I lost track of time. I'm still at school something came up.
ok but hurry home quickly! Lilys mom is worried too.
Ok mom hey is it ok if I bring a couple more friends over for dinner?
Sure honey just hurry up!
Alright mom bye! Love you!
Bye sweetheart drive safe!

I turn off my phone and walk into the locker room. "Hey didn't you say you guys were stranded here till you get some gas? "I ask. He nods, "Yes unless you have a tank of gas in your car then we're stuck here." I clap my hands excitedly and he gives me a weird look. "My mom said I could bring you guys over to my house for dinner!" He's smile can light up the whole took that's how bright it is right now. "That sounds perfect!" He says.

Niall and I walk out of the locker room to see all of the boys gone and Lily sitting on her phone. "Where'd the boys go?" Niall questions. She stands as soon as she hears our voice. Ha she didn't expect that. "Um they went back to the bus." She says. Niall then grabs my hand and laces our fingers together." Come on let's go get them." He says. He seems so calm. How is he so calm I'm freaking out right now. I'm holding hands with Niall Horan.

Lily is right behind us still on her phone. I promise you she lives on that thing. She never takes her eyes off it. We make it to the bus door. As Nialls reaching up to open it, it swings open. Harry is standing there with a sorry look on his face. "What'd you guys do?" Niall asks.he makes that face when you feel like if you feel you get in trouble. "We kinda put the driver to sleep." He says. Niall lets out a big huff of air. "It's alright we're going over to Eves from dinner. We can rent rent a hotel." He says.

"There's one small problem with that." I say reluctantly. Niall and Harry look at me like I said I was going to kidnap them. "You're not going to find a hotel anywhere in the vicinity." They both look at each other then smile. "Well we could just spend the night with you if that's ok." Harry says quickly. I bet you they are all creeped out by my face right now. "That'd be perfect!" I exclaim. "Oh hey I haven't caught your friends name yet!" Harry yells as I'm walking out of the gym. "Lilana but you can call her lily!" He so likes Lily no doubt.


We pull into my driveway with the sleeping driver sitting in the boys' laps. We didn't really want to leave him in the bus all alone so we brought him with us. He can sleep in the guest house we have.

I park the car and everyone gets out. Harry immediately runs up to Lilys side. She's still on her phone I don't get how she's doing that. Not acknowledging the biggest boy and in the world. Oh well, her loss.

"Okay guys my mom doesn't know who I brought over. She just know Lily is coming over and a few friends for dinner. She probably thinks their some basketball friends. So please be polite. And my dad might be a little skeptical." They all nod. Niall is holding the passed out driver. How cute. Stop thinking that Evermore.

"Evermore is that you!" My mom yells. Then she walks out from the living room. "Oh honey thank god! I got worried. Um is that One direction?" She whispers the last part to me. I stifle a giggle and say yes. She starts screaming and runs over to Harry and Louis. "These two are my favorite!" My mom has always had a little crush on Harry and Louis. She's such a directioner at times. All the boys start laughing. This is going to be the best weekend of my life.

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