Chapter 21

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Lilana's P.O.V.

     I've been in Cheshire for three days now. So far I've learned so much about Anne and Gemma that I didn't already know. Today harry is taking me on a tour of the city. I stole his Calvin Klein sweat shirt and then I headed out. I decided to wake up early in the morning and go get something done that I've been wanting for a while. I leave before anyone notices and I walk to the hair parlor. I step inside and two women walk up to me.

      "Judy come quick look who it is!" Another woman walks through them. I notice her automatically as Harry's aunt. (AN: I know that that's not Harry's aunts name or even if he has an aunt I just wanted someone related to him.)

     "Lilana. Oh my dear come come sit!" I stare at her weird. "How does everyone already know my name even if I've never met them?" They all do their little prissy giggle. "Oh honey you're harry never stops talking about you!" I smile at the mention of his name. "Anyway sweetheart! What did you come into my shop today for?" I look back at her. "I'm wanting to get my hair blue." She looks at me disapprovingly. "What?"

     "No no honey why don't we go for something a little more subtle! How about blue on the ends! Like a ombré kind of thing." I smile at her idea. "That sounds perfect!" Then she gets to working on my hair.


Harry's P.O.V.

     I wake up and see a note laying on the pillow beside me. Lily must've gone somewhere. I pick it up.

     'Hey babe I've gone out! Be back soon with a surprise! Hope you slept well love you! xx -Lil'

     Isn't she the best? I actually can't believe I forgave her that quickly. I mean I knew she was going to come sooner or later and I was going to forgive her. But as soon as I saw her face in the ambulance I knew I could never stay mad at her. She actually does love me. I get up and put on my jeans I start searching for my Calvin Klein jumper but I can't find it.

     I walk out of my room and too my mom. "Hey mom have you seen my Calvin Klein jumper anywhere?" He looks at me and frowns. "Harry styles how many more tattoos have you gotten since the last time I saw you?" I look down at my torso. "I don't know like twenty maybe." She shakes her head while laughing. "You're crazy! Anyway I think I saw lily leaving the house this morning with it on. I don't know where's she's gone off to though." I nod. Oh well she was going to steal it sooner or later.

     I turn around and see Gemma. I hug her tightly. "What are you doing?" She questions. "Just being a loving brother." I say simply. She nods. I hear the door open and close. "Babe I'm back!" Lily yells. I get a little giddy. I walk through the hallway and straight to the door where I find a girl turned around with blue tips on her hair. That look a lot like Lily from behind but I can't be. Hang on! Lily did talk a lot about getting her hair dyed when we were engaged.

     "Lily?" She turns around. Sure enough it's her. "Hey babe. You like it?" I smile from ear to ear. "I love it! Wait did you go to my aunt?" She nods. "How'd you know?"

     "I just do." She shrugs. I open up my arms. "Come here." She smiles timidly and slowly walks into my arms. Once we get done hugging I pull away. "I knew you would steal that." She giggles. "Sorry I couldn't resist! It smells so heavenly!" He laugh then lean down and give her a kiss. "I love you." She says as she's walking away. "Love you too!" I yell after her. "Yeah yeah!" What would I do without her?


Lilana's P.O.V.

     Harry promised me a tour around the city and that's what I'm getting. I turn to him. "Harry where's Robin?" He glances at me then stops. "Right there." He points at an old man standing in front of the flower shop. "Where's he been?"

     "Out on business." I smile. "Awwwww he's getting Anne flowers because he's been gone! That's so adorable!" He laughs at me. He grabs my waist and pulls me into his body. "I never knew your were he cheesy romantic." I can feel he's about to kiss me. "I'm not."

     "Good because neither am I." He leans in and we kiss for a bit. Right in the middle of the strip mall. After we break I ask if we can go talk to Robin, maybe help him with the flower suggestions. He obliges and we head that way.

     We walk in and the little bell rings. Robin looks over. "Ah Harry my boy I thought that was you I saw!" He lets go of my hand and runs over to him. They share a little bro hug thing then split. "And you must be Lilana!" I nod then go to shake his hand. "Oh please I know you're  a hugger! Harry never stops talking about you really! Even when you guys were broken up! All he did over the phone! Lily this and Lily that-"

     "Rob she gets it! No need to embarrass me even more!" He chuckles. "Alright! But seriously he's a real catch don't let him go."

     "I'm not planning on in anytime soon!" He nods then walks off to the lily section. "Sorry about him. He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut."

     "No it's fine I thought it was cute! Besides I couldn't stop talking about you either." He smiles then pulls me on for a kiss. I hear clapping in the distance and break to see a girl.

     "Beyonca." Harry whispers.


Harry's P.O.V.

     She smirks at me then walks over. "Harry you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend! Hi I'm Beyonca!" She holds out her hand and Lilana shakes it. "Lilana."

    She eyes her up and down. She's giving her the stink eye I know it. "What a lovely name! So how long have you and Harry here been dating?" Lily looks up at me and smiles a nervous smile. "Six months." Beyonca raises her eyebrows and smirks. "Oh so she's a keeper! You know harry never stays with a girl for more than a year so I wouldn't get your hopes up." She whispers to Lily.

     "Alright that's enough Beyonca! Please come on Lily, Rob needs us." Lily nods then I grab her hand and pull her towards my moms favorite flowers. "Who was that?" I sigh. "That was my last girlfriend I had before I left for ex factor. She's not very nice. I would call her the b word but I know you're against it and quite frankly I don't like using that language anymore." She smiles up at me. "Really?" She says very happily. I nod then lean down and kiss her lips then her nose. "Ok can you go find Rob I'll get the flowers for him." She nods then walks off I pick up her favorite, white roses, then I walk to the register.

     A minute later Rob and Lily walk up. "Thank you Harry." I nod like its no big deal then hand the flowers to him. "Hey you don't mind if we catch a ride with you do you?" He shakes his head. "Not at all." We exit the store and hop in the car. "Harry you would mind me going back home tomorrow would you?" I look over at her. "Why would you do that?" She sighs. "School starts in a couple weeks and so I kinda need to get my books and everything."

     "Alright well I'll go with you." She raises her eyebrows. "You sure? I don't want to take you away from your family." I shake my head. "Nonsense I've been here for two months they're probably sick of me." She giggles.

     I'm so happy we found each other.

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