Chapter 22

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One month later

Evermore's P.O.V.

I'm packing the last box from my old apartment now. Everything looks so empty. All the memories Niall and I have shared here will be missed. But I can't wait to get to my new home. I put the final box in the moving truck and run to the drivers side. Niall is still in London so I have to move everything by myself.

I go to open the door and there sitting in the drivers seat is my fiancé. He opens the door and jumps out. "NIALL!" I yell and jump on him. He regains his balance then hugs me tightly. I lift my head from his neck and kiss his lips. He smiles then puts me down gently. "Hey babe! How's the moving been for yah?" I laugh a sarcastic laugh." I would've been better if I had my muscle help here." He smirks. "Well I'm here now!"

"I was talking about Liam..." He puts his hand on his heart dramatically. "I'm kidding! You're all the muscle I need." He smiles the gets in the drivers side.

"Come on babe we're driving to your parents house." I freeze at the mention of them. I haven't told them were engaged yet. Poop! "Ok but please let me walk in first." He nods. "This is not my first time confronting your parents about something. I remember when I asked them if I could give you your promise ring. Your dad wasn't so sure but he came around."

"You asked my parents permission!" He nods shyly. "Aww that's so cute! But why didn't you ask them if you could get married to me?" He frowns. "Maybe I already did. The world may never know!" He shouts I giggle then hop in the passenger seat. This is going to be a long day.


Peyton's P.O.V.

I moved down to Miami about three weeks ago. So far I've made zero friends and I've been super lonely. Liam has not visited me since my move and I'm starting to worry if we're growing apart.

I try to take my mind off of it by watching some Vampire Diaries but then there's a noise in the kitchen. Okay that's not good. I'm home alone and someone is trying to rob me. Great! I grab my bat that I keep by my bed and walk slowly into the kitchen. The lights are off so I turn them on and see Liam sitting on the counter smiling like an idiot.

I drop my bat and run over to him. I jumps off the counter and hugs me. I don't break the hug because I don't know how. I'm so short and plus I'm barefoot so Liam is like gigantic right now.

"Hello love. Whatcha been doing?" I giggle. "Oh you know the usual." He looks at me and smiles. "Vampire Diaries." We say in unison.

He laughs at my lack of a social life. Then he leans down and kisses me sweetly. "I've missed you so much." I bury my face in his chest. "I've missed you more."

"Not possible. Now let's go to the beach yeah?" I nod my head. "Let me go change into my bathing suit. Ohh can you teach me how to surf one day?" He smiles a big smile. "I would love to."


Farris' P.O.V.

I decided to go to the mall and walk around. I'm just about to walk into Victoria's Secret and someone grabs my purse. I start running after the tall man. I look around and see people videoing this. "What is wrong with you people?" I shout. They all just laugh.

The robber stopped right in front of the exit and turned around. Luke is standing there with a goofy smile on his face. "You!" He laughs then walks up to me.

"Hi sweetie." I smile and reach my arms up and hug his neck. He buries his face in my neck. We lift our heads then kiss. He smiles at me and everyone starts clapping.

"I love you." He says I'm in shock right now. "I love you too." He smiles then kisses me again.


Spencer's P.O.V.

Calum has visited every once and awhile. I'm pretty sure he's drinking again. We're growing more and more apart. I just really hope we don't break up.

I decide on going to the beach. I pop my bikini on then put my cover up and flip flops on. I pack my tanning lotion and my towel in my bag then head out the door. My sunglasses on I start walking towards to beach.

I step onto the sandy soil. I find a nice spot in the sun then pull my towel out. I pull my hair in a bun then put my lotion on. I go for my back but I can't reach it.

"Here let me help you." I hear that Australian accent and immediately shoot up. "Calum!" He smiles then wraps his arms around me. "Hey Shortie!" I really despise that nickname he gave me but I let him call me it because it's growing on me. We part from the hug. I grab his chubby cheeks and kiss him.

"Woah where did my little shy Spence go?" I giggle. "I'm still here." He laughs then kisses me. "Now I wasn't kidding when I said I'd help with the lotion."


Luckis P.O.V.

I move my last box into the living room and walk into the kitchen to get a water. "Babe do you want anything?" I question. "A water would be nice!" I grab him one then walk out. "I'm so glad you decided to come help me. Because I wouldn't have gotten that done." He shakes his head. "No problem! As long as I got to see my lovely lady I'm alright!" I smile then hand him his water. He drinks it all in one swig then throws it in the recycle bin.

He grabs my waist and pulls me into his body. He cups my cheek. Leaning down I stand in my tip toes and peck him on the lips then on the nose. "No time to waste! We must unpack!" He groans. "Babeeeeee!"


Aaron's P.O.V.

I moved a month after I got the letter saying I was in. Michael helped me of course. I've been living in Miami for a while now. I've made a few new friends. Mostly guys that I've met though.

I walk up the stairs to my apartment building. I reach my door and hear a noise. I pull my key out and unlock the door. As soon as I step in I know immediately someone is in my music room playing my guitar.

I pull my pepper spray out. No one touches my baby and gets away with it! I run full fledged into the music room spraying pepper spray everywhere, not bothering to open my eyes.

"Ouch hey! Ron it's me!" I open my eyes slightly and see my boyfriend standing there. "Mike I'm so sorry! But you know better than to touch my baby!" He laughs. "I do now. Sorry I've just really wanted to play it! It's so nice!"

I giggle then nod in understandment. He's rubbing his eyes. I grab his hands and pull them away from his face. "I'm sorry baby. Here let me kiss it make it better." He laughs but doesn't stop me. I lean up and peck his lips. "I don't think it's better." I smile then kiss him once more. "I'm all good now!"

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