Chapter 20

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Nialls P.O.V.

I wake up to see Evermore asleep in my arms. I could get used to this. We never get to sleep together when we're at home. This is nice though. I feel around in my pocket and find the one thing I'm ready to give her.

I look out the window and see we've already landed. The pilot was nice enough to let us sleep. Leaning down I kiss her nose and she stirs in her sleep. "Evermore babe you need to get up. We have the date thing tonight remember?" Her eyes shoot open and she screams. "Oh my gosh Niall I'm so sorry! How long have I been asleep?" I quite her down. "I just woke up to. It's ok." She nods. We stand up and walk out of the plane. "Niall will you tell me where we are now?"

I smile then nod. "Well babe were in Los Angeles!" Her face lights up and she jumps up and kisses me. "Thank you thank you thank you! I love it!"

"I knew you would. Now we've been asleep for awhile so we need to get going." I grab her hand and lace our fingers together. I start twiddling with her promise ring. "Why do you do that so much?" She questions I look up to she her staring at me. "I like to know that you're keeping your promise to me. It makes me feel like the happiest man alive." She smiles her adorable smile. That must've taken years of braces.

"It did. Four to be exact." I said that out loud whoopsie! "Well I had braces too so we can be metal mouths together!" She giggles and nods.


Evermore's P.O.V.


I love him so much! I can't wait to give him his present. But that kiss was pretty close to what he's getting. We walk out of the airport and into the chilly night. I'm guessing it's a cold night tonight. Oh well at least I brought a jacket. He calls a cab and we get in. Niall tells the man where we're going but I don't hear it. About ten minutes later we pull up to a really fancy restaurant. I know he doesn't like these kinds of places and neither do I but if we want to go public might as well.

He opens the door for me and I step in with him straight behind me. He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the lady at the front. "Reservation for Horan please?" I've always wanted to hear that saying. Just like in those cheesy romance movies. She checks her little tap tap thing and then leads us to our table.

As soon as we sit down A girl passes by the window. She's probably a fan because she's screams her head off then pulls her phone out. I really hope she's not telling the world where we are. But sure enough she is. Because about two minutes later more girls run up. Luckily Niall chose a seat away from the window. As more and more girls pull in so do the paparazzi.

"Hey Eve don't pay attention to them." He grabs my hand and kisses it. I hear even more screams. "You're right. I'm sorry this is just all new to me." He nods.

"I understand babe. Now what would you like to drink?" I think. "Just a water I'm trying to keep in shape for Miami." He frowns. "Eve what have I told you? You are fit now get something you want." I sigh then oblige. "Fine I'll get a sprite." The waiter nods. Where did he come from? Once Niall is done ordering the waiter turns to me and winks. What the crap? I mean yeah he's cute but did he not see Niall sitting right there?

"If he doesn't keep his eyes off you he's gonna go blind." I giggle. "Oh I know Niall! You can be quite ruthless."

"Only when it comes to you." I smile. I pick up my menu and start to look through it. "Do they not have nachosss?" He looks up and chuckles. "No Hun. But you can't eat nachos everywhere you go." I huff out a breath. "But I like them." He laughs then nods. "Oh I know. In the middle of the night about a month ago you made me go get you some because you were on your period."

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