Chapter 13

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Liam's P.O.V.

     Sophia, my dear Sophia. I have no idea what I did wrong but it was bad enough for her the break up with me.

     Peyton, my sweet Peyton. She has been there for me when I needed someone most. She helped me through tough times.

     I know she likes me as more than a friend and I her but I'm not quite over Sophia yet. I probably will never be completely over her but I can try.

     I walk over to Peyton while still at Evermore's house. "Hey Peyton can I talk to you?" I ask awkwardly because Lucki and Spencer are sitting beside her.

     "Sure!" She exclaims all too quickly. She stands up and I grab her hand. Lacing our fingers together I walk outside with her right behind me.

     I face her and I see her beautiful big smile. "So what do you want to talk about?" She asks eagerly. "Well I was hoping you could go on a date with me." I request. Her smile widens. "I would love to." She says softly and calmly. Wow I'm surprised she's not screaming right now.


Two months later

Lilanas P.O.V.

     "Harry I quit! I don't want to marry you I don't want to have anything to do with you for the rest of my life! I'm calling off the engagement!" I scream. I can feel tears falling down my face. I don't know of I'm making the right decision.

     Harry and I have been fighting for a month. Nonstop bantering about what we want at the wedding and who we want. I can't take it anymore. So I just called of the engagement. I'm going to regret this but I know it's for the better.

     I storm out of my house and run across the street to Evermore's house. I bought the house that was right in front of Evermore's so Harry could come visit me and Niall could visit Evermore without having to travel. Anyway I stomp over to Evermore's house and bang on the door.

     Evermore opens the door in a flash. She sees my tears and pulls me in for a hug. "Lily honey tell me what's wrong." She whispers to me softly.

     I keep my mouth shut. Waiting for my sobs to leave. "I just broke the engagement off." I whisper. Looking up through ready eyes I see her getting angry.

     "Lilana why would you do that? Do you not know Harry! He was so depressed before he met you! If you wouldn't of came into his life he would more than likely be dead now!" She screams. I shudder at her words. My ex fiancé was depressed. I knew that. I was the one who told Evermore about it. Now he's probably going to go kill himself now. What were you thinking Lilana?

     "I know! I wasn't thinking straight! I don't want to take him back though!" This was the truth. I don't want him back.

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