Chapter 14

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Ashton's P.O.V.

The first time I saw her she was beautiful. Her eyes were like the sea. Blue and perfect. She was my dream girl, but I let her slip through my fingers.

Lucki Porter. Her name was so unique. So different. I need her in my life.

I dial Evermore's number and put the phone to my ear. She answers right away.

' Ashton! Thank god I've been meaning to call you! Um Lucki has been asking for your number but I don't want to give it to her. I want to make sure it's ok with you first.'

'Of course! I was just going to ask you for her number.'

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I walk out of the bathroom. I excused myself from our recording session. I walk out and see calum smiling at his phone.

"Ohhhh Calum how yah texting?" I mock. I looks up and he smile is still on his face. "Spencer if you must know." He says smugly. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "You're talking to Spencer?" I question. He nods then goes back to his phone.

"Well I'm texting Aaron so everyone knows!" Michael yells. Aaron she was pretty. Perfect for Michael they both like hair dye.

"Are you talking to Lucki?" Luke asks once he looks up from his FaceTime chat with Farris. They are so cute together. I can tell he really loves her. "I actually just got her number today. So yeah I'm about to talk to her now." We're in England recording our album. That doesn't stop me from talking to her.

I swiftly memorize the number then dial it. I excuse myself from the studio once more then I put the phone to my ear.

'Hey it's Ashton!'

'Oh hey Ash! Whatcha doing?'

'Nothing much just thinking about how much I miss you girls down in Tennessee.'

That's how our conversation lifted off.


Calums P.O.V.

Spencer and I hit it off. We really have a lot in common. Except for her extensive knowledge. She was second in her class. I'm pretty sure if I ever finished school I would have been like twentieth.

I don't know what Tenneseeans have in their DNA but we need more of it all over the world.

From: Me
Hey Spence!
From: Shortie
Hey Cal! How's the recording going?
From: Me
Great! How's the college hunting?
From: Shortie
Fantastic!! I have so many offers! I've narrowed it down to Brown, Miami, and Yale.
From: Me
I don't live in America but I do know that those are some big schools!
From: Shortie
Yeah they are. Anyway when are you guys coming back down we really miss you here!
From: Me
Soon Shortie I promise! I have to leave you now. New song that I have to record! I hope to see you soon. Bye!


Michaels P.O.V.

Aaron is the girl I've been looking for. She's a perfect match for me. Shy but daring. Carefree but under control. She's everything I want in a girl.

We've been talking since we met. It was like an instant connection. We bonded over hair dye. She told me the next color she's doing is blue and teal ombré. She's going to look so beautiful.

I really miss her. I know once we finish our album we will go straight back. All of us guys are talking to someone or dating someone from the U.S. So we have to go back. Luke and Farris are just adorable. They're each other's half. It's like they can't be apart for more than five seconds(of summer). Haha!

Back to Aaron. She's in the band. She plays the electric guitar. Just like me. She's absolutely perfect. I can't wait to see her again. I hope everything back at home is ok.

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