Chapter 35

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Four months pregnant now

Evermore's P.O.V.

     I'm now four months pregnant. I'm not that big but I'm bigger than most people. Sitting on my couch watching tv. Oh by the way we've already moved to London. 

      But anyway in sitting watching tv and an infomercial comes on. I'm about to change it but then I notice it's about pregnancy. I turn the volume up.

     "If this is your first pregnancy and you are close to the due date you should come by our building and check us out. We'll teach you how to breathe through your labor. Call us at 455-7970" I immediately pick my phone up and call them. (AN: not a real number don't call it.)

     I book a class for Niall and I and then I call for him. He groans but comes. "What do your cravings want now?" He asks grumpily. "Don't get grumpy with me mister. And anyway it's not food I want. I signed us up for a breathing exercises class." He then starts to laugh uncontrollably.

     "Ok babe we'll go to a class. Oh you need to get dressed we're going to the gyno today." I nod and reach my hand out so he can help me up. I finally stand. I pucker my lips and he gives me a big kiss. "Thank you my dear!" I say in a posh British accent.

      I carefully walk to our room up the stairs with niall helping me by holding my back. I sit on the bed and tell him to pick me an outfit out.

     I actually quite like this jumper he picked out for me because it's my favorite color. I take my pjs off and get dressed in this. I'm not scared to change in front of my husband. Why would I be? I mean he's seen me completely naked before. More than anyone else. As I'm putting my shoes on I hear a noise in the kitchen. I walk in and turn the lights on. In there is all my friends and family. Niall soon joins me and smiles.  "What are you guys doing here?"

     "It's a good thing you have a responsible husband because have you forgotten? It's your twentieth birthday!" My mom yells. I almost forgot. I turned nineteen last year on November 18th. Now I'm finally twenty. Niall turned twenty two ,two months ago. (Note I know how old niall is now its just they already went through their OTRA tour in here. Well half of it. Anyway this is set in like future terms now.)

     I turn to him and smile. "Happy birthday baby." He says as he grabs my waist and pulls me in. He gives me a big kiss. My whole family awws and so do the girls. We eat cake and icecream and then niall and I leave. Everyone leaves with us.

     I hop in the car and put my seatbelt on. Before Niall gets in I fart because I didn't want to in front of him. He comes in and makes a weird face. "Babe did you fart?" He asks chuckling. I've never actually farted in front of him before so I shy away. "Hey don't worry I've farted in front of you a bunch of times. This just means you're comfortable around me enough." I look up and giggle.

     "Ok bit of you ask my parents my farts stink." I admit. "Oh I know you fart sometimes in your sleep." I blush a deep shade of red. I already knew this because everyone I spent the night with tells me this. They soon get used to it. "Hey I don't love you any less. I actually think it's quite cute." He says. I nod and tell him to continue driving. What I had to get used to was getting in left hand side of the car and not the right.

     We pull up to the gyno and park. I get out slowly and walk in. Niall walks up to the desk and the lady points to the chairs. Not kidding as soon as we sit down we get right back up because the doctor was ready for us. "Ok kiddos time to see your baby!" She says excitedly. "Oh happy birthday by the way Evermore. Your twenty now correct?" I nod happily.

     I lift my shirt up and wait for her to put the gel on me. "Gotten bigger I see. Ohh that means you're close!" She says. I giggle. My doctor, she's always been like a teenage girl when it came to this. "Yes I am." I tell her. "So are we finding out the gender today?" She asks as she's putting the gel on my stomach. Niall and I have had this conversation two months ago. I told him I didn't want to find out the gender but he did. He was pretty devastated when I got my way so I'm going to surprise him today.

     "No." Niall says sadly. "Yes." I say after him. He looks at me and smiles. "What?" He questions happily. "I said yes. I want to find out the gender. You know how I hate not knowing what I'm dealing with." I tell him. He nods like he knows all too well.

     "So we are doing the gender?" She asks. I nod and grab Niall's hand. He kisses mine and then looks at the screen. I start to hear the heartbeat. Then I hear something else. Another heartbeat? That can only mean one thing. My baby's an alien. Nah I'm kidding. That means I'm having twins! "Oh look at what we have here. Looks like you're carrying twins. A boy and a girl!" She says proudly. I look at Niall and see him smiling even wider.

     "Oh my gosh! I'm the luckiest man alive." He breathes out. I smile really wide. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you." He says back. He kisses the top of my head then looks back at the screen. She point to each of them and I just smile. I'm having twins!

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