Finding Them Pt.10

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        It had been three days now since the boys had met the travelers, to say they were easily forgotten was just a blatant lie. Tommy had seen them quite frequently actually. Once at the fruit stand. Another time he saw them going to a local pub. The last time he saw them leaving the little inn that was on the outskirts of town.

     Today, however, Tommy was going to Tubbo's house. Last night he had scored with $5.00. A little less than two meals, but anything was better than nothing. And Tommy could stuff himself with as many of Niki's cookies as he could.

     "You know those people you ran into the other day?" Tubbo asked. Absentmindedly, Tommy nodded.  

     "I hear they are looking for their brother. They said something about a reward for finding him too." This caught Tommy's attention. Money? Or better yet he could possibly just stay with them. If they were stupid enough he could earn himself a home, and if not he could still possibly earn himself a couple dollars. Either way the outcome seemed okay. All he had to do was seize his opportunity.

     "Alright, I have to go home now. My parents wanted me home early for something tonight," Tommy lied easily. Slipping away as fast as he could. Tommy made his way back to his dirt home. It was cold, muddy, and dirty, but it was his. Tommy knew that they knew what he looked like. That's what led to the dirt, mud, and clay mixture caking his hair. The mixture effectively turning his hair grey-ish brown. He also tried to cover up any identifying features of his clothing with the same mixture.

     Deeming his appearance complete, Tommy headed out for the town square. Ready to trick his way into some wealth. He remembered seeing them leave the inn so that was his next destination.

     "Excuse me miss." Tommy greeted the lady at the counter, "Are three older boys staying here? One has pink hair, another wears a beanie, and the shortest has a green and white hat." He described them as best as he could. The lady thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes they are staying here currently."

     "Do you think you could let me see them? I'm their little brother." The lady narrowed her eyes at him. He looked homeless and others had tried to trick her into a free stay before as well.

    "Very well, but if they kick you out you are no longer welcome at this establishment." She handed him a piece of paper with the door number on it. It took Tommy several minutes to find the matching door. Seeing as he was illiterate and innumerate.

    He stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath. Think of the money. He knocked on the door. 

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