Finding Them Pt.49

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"What's up motherfuckers?" I say this as sunglasses appear out of thin air and author has decided to crawl out of her 1x2 block hole in the ground that I have been hiding from mobs in because I was AFK. 

        "So what, we can just walk up there and ask to be let in?" Tommy asked, pointing to the castle's entrance.

"Guess so," Techno replied shortly. Dream had basically just told them to come and ask for them once they got here. They had the plan in place already, Techno would go on with Dream distracting him as the other three looked around. If things were to go south, Kristin and Eret were situated outside of the castle... just in case.

"Alright then," Wilbur started, striding over to where the guards stood in front of the door. "Excuse me sir, we're here to see a man named Dream," his voice was smooth, inviting, and incredibly fake. Wilbur couldn't help his bit of showmen's side that came out every once in a while. When business was to be done, or if he just needed to be formal in any way, this persona of his would pop in. The guard glanced at him briefly.

"What does Dream want with you?" The man tried to sound intimidating, and it made Wilbur stifle a laugh. He still smiled on trying to act as if nothing had changed.

"Well, you see he wanted to see us about joining the guards here." Shit, now they might think we're here to take their jobs. Wilbur thought to himself.

"Oh thank god! Please come in he should be up about the top floor at this time, Fundy can take you around too if you'd like." That was not the response he thought they would get, the guard seemed actually quite happy that new people were being added to their thin supply of guards. The second guard who was standing on the opposite side perked up.

"Alright, follow me." He must be Fundy.

"So, why was that guy so happy about us coming to ask about the job?" Wilbur asked, he couldn't understand why someone else would be happy about having their job taken.

"Oh, that's just Skeppy. He doesn't like being an entrance guard much," Fundy turned to point to the four, "and if you guys get the job, that means Skeppy goes up a rank. We have a seniority rule here," he finished. Wilbur glanced to the man for a second.

"He gets promoted?" Light conversation never hurt anyone.

"Yeah basically, Skeppy's been trying for years now. There's only two ways you get promoted here, you're either good enough to go up a rank, or a newbie comes along."

"And you said he's been trying for years now?"

Fundy sighed slightly, "No one has even thought about joining the guard in the past ten years. I'm surprised you guys showed up here." He pushed open a heavy wooden door.

"Why's that?"

"Because accepting this job is basically a death wish." His words made Wilbur stop momentarily. A death wish?

"You speak of this job so poorly, why haven't you resigned yet?" Fundy laughed slightly, still leading the visitors through the corridors.

"Well, Dream has a way with words I suppose," he sighed. "If you don't mind me bringing personal matters into this, I'd say it's because he's my fiance," the smile that was previously on his face faltered. "But part of me knows there's someone else, and I'm just waiting, accumulating enough proof to call of the wedding without being guilt tripped." Fundy's eyes glossed over, far away in thought.

He had known for a while now that his fiance was cheating on him, a liar. But he was also a manipulator, he would always get his way sooner or later. Fundy didn't want to be on the receiving end of it anymore.

"Anyways, why don't you come with me to find Dream. I thought he would be here but I have a couple more guesses to where he might be," Fundy spoke to Techno. "You three can stay here and wait until we find him. You can do anything as long as you stay in the room and just don't touch the black box in the back," he gave the instructions to the three.

Techno nodded shortly before following Fundy out of the room. Though the hand that shifted to the sheathed sword on his belt didn't go unnoticed by the other three.

Once the two were gone Phil, Wilbur and Tommy started taking in their surroundings. The room they were in looked like a study. Bookshelves lined the walls, a lounge sat in the middle of the room. Red, soft fabric and bronze metal made up the seat. A dark oak table sat in front of it. A blue bound book resting atop the wood. Phil glanced towards the back of the room, where a little black box sat on a desk before turning back to his brothers.

"Alright, who wants to go exploring?" Phil smiled, clasping his hands together. 

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