Philza POG

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        So basically Snow on Quotev requested some philza joining the SMP fluff, and my dudes i loved that he joined the smp so much. You better believe I was a #WhitelistPhilzaMinecrafter... (who isn't tho?) Do yeah! Philza Fluff! (also in this schlatt is president but he never banished tommy and wilbur, and he is a good leader)

Today wasn't such a bad day, yes there was a lot that needed to get done with the upcoming festival. A couple of weeks ago Tommy had sent his father an invitation to the beloved festival. He hadn't gotten a response and so he could only hope that the man would show up.

At the moment Tommy had been putting up banners at the podium with Tubbo.

"Come on Tubbo just a bit higher,"

"Are you two almost done with that yet?" Schlatt came up the stairs watching the two struggle.

"I'm not tall enough." Deflated Tubbo let his side of the streamers fall, schlatt swiped them up quickly placing them in line with Tommy's end.

Phi1lza has joined the server

He did come.

Tommy's eyes widened happily, his dad was here. Wilbur and Techno also stopped what they were doing the moment they saw the message. Soon enough the three were running towards spawn happily. Everyone else on the server was highly confused. Who was this man that had joined their world?

Tommy was the first one to the spawn point. "DAD!!!!!" He ran to the man with his arms outstretched ready to jump. "NO TOMMY DO-" Too late. The unprepared Phil and the over eccentric Tommy were now flat on the ground. Despite this the child would still not unhand the older man. Not far behind followed Wilbur and Techno.

"Tommy let the man breathe he just got here." Wilbur pulled his younger brother up from the blonde haired man.

"Hi dad." Techno helped the man up and the four embraced one another.

"Look at you three!" Phil swooned over his children. It had been three years since he saw them all in the same place last. The first to leave was Techno swapping from several servers, next was Tommy who went off to the Hypixel server, last to leave was Wilbur who only officially left for the Dream SMP.

"Yes dad, look at us capable members of society, but we have a festival to get to," Techno pulled his family along. "That means you get to meet Tubbo!" "And Niki!" "And-" Wilbur and Tommy continued to list off their friend's names as they got closer to the podium.

"Tubbooooo!" Tommy yelled finally detaching himself from his father and running over to his friend.

"Hi Tommy!" Tubbo smiled. "Who's this?" "I'm glad you asked my friend, this is none other than the coolest person you will ever meet. This is my dad Philza Minecraft."

"Nice to meet you sir," Tubbo greeted. Philza laughed lightly at the boys. "You can call me Philza Tubbo, Tommy has written to me a lot about you."

"Well come on now the Festival is starting!" Tubbo dragged the family over to their seats.

With a speech from Schlatt and Tubbo the festivities had begun. The day was filled with laughter, smiles, and happiness. When the sun finally set over the horizon the sleepy boi's took their father back to Tommy's house for the night.

"Dad! this is my house, isn't it spectacular?" Philza looked over the smooth stone with a grimace. "It is certainly something Tommy." Wilbur laughed loudly while Techno gave a slight smirk.

"You know boys, today has been one of the best days in a while, and I just need you all to know that you're all always welcome home. Whether I know in advance or you show up unexpectedly. This goes for your friends as well. I am so proud of all of you." That night the four fell asleep on the floor of Tommy's bedroom wrapped up in covers and pillows. Tangled limbs and content smiles littered the pile.

So I hoped you guys enjoyed me not making you sad for a change. I think it's mainly just cuz recently i was listening to a lot of like slower sadder songs and it just puts you in a mood for angst. So there might be more angst. But yeah, also for those of you that don't know this story is cross-posted throughout wattpad, quotev, and now officially archive of our own. org. They are all also under the same title and what not too.

but like why do I have so many chapters with Phil in the title? Philza is just POG.

Also my dudes thank you so much we are at 9k! this is the most I've ever had read of any of my stories so i can't thank you guys enough. And hopefully we'll continue to get more reads and what not cuz I've never had a fic get into the 00,000s or anywhere close and this is just so cool! and yeah so thanks again guys!

Sleepy Bois Inc Everything and Anything: aka place where I put whatever I wantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora