Ymbryne Pt.2

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        "What the fuck is a peculiar child, that's just being offensive," Tommy backfired, catching Phil off guard, but not by much.

"Trust me Tommy it's not being offensive, it's just the terminology that was assigned to us. I know you met Tubbo and his bees, I also assume you've met Bert, Tubbo never leaves without that one," Phil rambled and started walking away, "This here is Quackity. Make sure he doesn't sneeze on you, he's highly contagious and shit." Tommy grimaced, why would he let anyone sneeze on him?

"Over here is Eret and Ranboo, or Ran and Boo, or Roo and Ban, or Raboon, or Booran, just call 'im Ranboo, it's much easier." Phil gestured to where a brunette wearing sunglasses and a quite literally white and black man stood. Both smiled and waved. THey seemed nice enough, but then the black and white man turned into one completely black and one completely white person. Tommy blinked his eyes a couple of times, trying to figure out if what he just saw actually happened.

"Also just don't look Eret in the eyes, he's got his glasses so he should be good, but just in case," Phil warned Tommy before turning a corner, "Then there's Hbomb, Bad, Skeppy, and Fundy." The first thing Tommy noticed was the cat ears and tail seemingly attached to the one boy. Next to him was a boy with black hair and grey skin, then a boy with unnaturally blue hair and finally an orange haired boy who had his mouth open wide facing the sky. The first boy got up rushing over to sniff Tommy.

"Oi! Stop sniffing me!" Tommy pulled away quickly not liking the close proximity. Hbomb only smiled before directing his attention towards Phil.

"Ah! He smells like us! Will he stay?" Hbomb's mouth ran a mile a minute in excitement. PHil ruffled his hair before responding.

"We'll have to see H, I don't think he knows too much about all of this just yet." The orange haired boy met Tommy's gaze, without moving his head or closing his mouth. He waved to them as they left, going to meet the rest.

"These three are Sapnap, George and Dream," The middle jumped. One minute Tommy could see the boy, the next all he could see were floating clothes. At this point Tommy wasn't even surprised and just let it be.

"Don't let Dream touch you, and don't piss off Sapnap. We don't need the house in a pile of ashes again." Phil advised him, Tommy thinks that George won't do too much then, seeing as he wasn't given a warning.

"Finally there's Wilbur, Techno, Niki and Minx." The first was arguably the tallest Tommy had seen yet, next to the black and white boy when he was, well one person. Next to him was a man with pink hair, his presence unsettled Tommy. The two girls, Minx and Niki, seemed nice enough, Niki more so than Minx. But they interested him, possibly being the most normal of the children here. There were so many kids here, how did Phil keep track of them all?

"And what about you? What do you do?" Tommy asked almost in an accusing tone. Phil smiled overlooking the violent intent behind the boys question.

"I'm an ymbryne Tommy, it's my duty to protect peculiar children. I have the ability to turn into a bird, a raven to be specific, and to manipulate time. With that is how I create homes like this, loops, the same day repeating over and over again. Until I die, or close the loop. Today December 21st 1939."

"What?" Tommy couldn't comprehend what he was being told. It was 2020 wasn't it? How could he possibly be in 1939?

"Yeah, okay big man. Thanks for the joke but tell me the truth now." Tommy laughed, but stopped when Phil stayed silent, not joining in.

"This isn't a joke Tommy."

"Oh." It was silent, the air awkward the rest of the children in the room stayed silent not wanting to push any buttons. Phil took a breath before speaking.

"Why don't you help Wilbur with his daily chores? Normally Tubbo helps him but It'll give him a nice change for the time." Tommy nodded not trusting his voice completely before following the lanky man outside.

Okay so i finally wrote some more of this, finding them is getting a bit chaotic atm XD just a lot of point of view changes lol. But i got the first book from my Oma so immma be reading that tonight- Also I decided to add minx in here cuz i realized that niki was the only girl and was like, yeah we should add minx. i know she isnt in the dsmp but still I like her content. and her mc date with george was so funny to watch, maybe that's why i decided on quackities peculiarity to be spitting on peopel kinda thing, (it really wanst i just made this coincidence now) but basically her peculiar is that she breathes fire, kinda like a dragon cuz I thought that would be POG, also a lot of you already figured it out but Tommy's peculiarity is that he can see the hollowgasts, he has the same abilities as jacob in the books, so seeing the hollows, sensing them, talking to them, controlling them, all that jazz, (this is one of the reasons i like the books so much more cuz his power goes so much more in depth where in the movie he can just see them.) imma stop there cuz i could literally write a five page essay on alll the differences between the movie and book and why the book is superior- But yeah, thats about it then Thanks for reading Wisps! Hope you have an awesome day! (or night, its like 10 here-) 

love ya <3   

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