Finding Them Pt.37

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          Techno, Phil and Wilbur searched the forest thoroughly, going further than they had the day before. They were about halfway to the castle when night fell.

"Come on, let's set up camp for the night, we can't see anything out here right now." The moon was new, not visible in the sky. Everything was pitch black rendering their efforts useless.

"How far do you think they could've gone?" Wilbur asked, poking at the fire. Sparks and ash floated into the air, lighting up the dark.

"Depends," answered Phil, "if they had horses they could be long gone by now. On foot, they might've made it to the castle. I haven't seen any where they could discreetly get a horse through here, but then again who knows," Phil sighed. He couldn't help the thoughts, they told him that the boys were dead. Even so, there hadn't been enough blood for anyone to die back where the found the leaves. Though, anything could have happened since then.

Soon, the fire was nothing but smoke, wafting into the air. The three brothers were sound asleep. The night was still, cold. A figure moved quickly, quietly, expertly. The had gone through these woods so often, they could travel back and forth with their eyes closed if needed. So, when they smelled the smoke, curiosity took over. Who was in their forest? Not many people came through these parts, let alone spent the night. Why were they here? The figure watched from behind a tree, just as they had done with the other boys. All three of these travelers, however, were sound asleep, uninjured. Unlike their previous encounter. Curious, they inched closer. The travelers were all men, pink, brown and blonde. One was lanky, spread out on the ground. Another was shorter, curled up on his side. The final looked to be some height between the two and slept still, rigid. The figure moved forward once more, trying to be as quiet as possible. Though they weren't quite quiet enough. One second the middle boy was asleep on the ground, the next his sword was against their throat.

"Wilbur, Phil," he woke them up, "we have company."


"Who are you?" Tommy asked. The man groaned pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You and your friend, what is with the pleasantries?" Tommy shrugged, glaring up at him.

"Fine, I'll give you my name, seeing as you won't be breathing shortly," the man smirked. "My name is Schlatt, J. Schlatt." He picked up a small dagger from a side table, twirling it twice.

"Okay, Schlatt, why am I here?" his eyes narrowed. Schlatt face palmed again, groaning.

"Again? You two and your questions. No wonder you're such good friends." His words struck a chord.

"Just tell me already!" Tommy shot up getting as far as he could before the chain around his ankle pulled him back. Schlatt's previously irritated and annoyed demeanor changed, something more sinister replacing it.

"You're planning on taking something from me, and I can't have that happening," he said through clenched teeth.

"I don't even know what you're talking about!" Tommy shot back; he met his gaze.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter anyways, like I said before, you won't be alive in a couple of minutes." The eyes felt like they were attempting to figure him out, search through his head, but they stopped when the barrier pushed them back.

"Don't worry I'm not going to be the one to do it," Schlatt reassured. He handed the dagger he was holding over to Tubbo. Said boy stepped back trying to avoid accepting the knife.

"Take it." Schlatt demanded. Tubbo shook his head, curling in on himself a bit.

"No, I-I can't." Schlatt grabbed the boy by his collar dragging him over to the cell.

"You don't get a choice; you've already tried to cheat me once. You won't do it again." He thrust the knife into the boy's hands.

"No, no I can't. No." The boy's head shook, tears spilling from his eyes. He couldn't do this. No not now, not ever.

"Kill him, Tubbo."

Hi wisps!! guess who's gonna dieeeee. muahahahahaha

also guess who as of today is officially legaly allowed in the US of A allowed to go for her permit test? booyah, I literally have not been able to get the pearl song from spongebob out of my head today XD what my childhood has done to me. but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this update and don't worry too much I always have some tricks up my sleeve. ;) 

have an awesome day wisps!

~ Hollow :)

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