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Boy oh boy was he right. Instead of Illinois, an hour and a half later the plane had landed in Minnesota.

'Just got off the plane, won't be home tonight landed in Minnesota.' Techno shot a text to the family group chat between him, Phil, and Wilbur. It really didn't matter if he texted them or not, it was already 2 AM in Chicago they were both probably fast asleep by now.

Besides that point, Techno now had to find a place to stay for the night. He downright refuses to sleep on the floor of the airport like that dead guy in the corner. He would most definitely be waking up with a crick in his back.

Where was he even going to go? Let alone somewhere that would have vacancy two days before Thanksgiving and rapidly nearing 3 AM. Guess he better start looking.

"You having trouble finding a place to stay?" Not this kid again. Instead of walking on like Techno knows he should do, he nods slightly Turing to face the blond child. Tommy rubs his neck nervously.

"Well, I uh, kinda feel bad for stealing your cab and I know this guy who owns a motel. I can make sure you get a room to stay in tonight if you'd like it..." The child trails off. Techno's gaze softens. Maybe the kid wasn't so bad after all.

"Uh, yeah, sure," he agrees quietly, awkwardness settling in the thick air. Eventually, the two took a bus from the airport down to a run-down plaza area. Three buildings stood against one another, a Taco Bell, Mcdonalds, and finally the most run-down building being a motel/restaurant called "Blaze 'n Burgers."

"You've got to be kidding me," Techno deadpanned glancing over at Tommy.

"What? What? This place is poggers. Don't even give me that look," Tommy scolded as Techno's gaze morphed into a glare. Tommy swung his red backpack over his shoulder and practically drug Techno into the establishment.

"Sapnap! Oh, Sapnap!" Tommy called waving frantically to the man behind the counter. "Sapnap" only rolled his eyes irritably in return before turning his attention to the pair.

"What can I do for you Tommy?" he somehow managed to sound almost as uninterested as Techno when he had first met Tommy.

"My friend and I here, need rooms for tonight big man, you think you can help us out?" The child supplied the information. Sapnap looked through a computer, clicking every so often, eyes scanning lines of text.

"Welp, it's two days before Thanksgiving and we're almost booked solid, but I do have a double open if you'd like it." Tommy glanced to Techno.

Are you in? He eyed him.

Do I really have to share a room with you? You said you would get me a room.

I am getting you a room, dickhead, be grateful they even had any left.

Techno supposed that was a good argument, he could be sleeping on the airport floor right now.


"Are you two okay? You've kind of been staring at each other for a while..." Sapnap trailed off, slightly creeped out.

"Sapnap, Sapnap, we are fine. Yes, we will take that room by the way," Tommy laughed it off as they were handed the key card to the room.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me." Techno glared at the room, it was not nearly big enough for all the furniture it held, besides the fact that there was only one bed.

"Well, Blade. I hope you don't snore." Tommy joked before belly-flopping onto the bed, effectively messing up the bedspread. Techno grimaced slightly but headed into the bathroom to change into his undershirt and a spare pair of shorts. When he came back out Tommy was curled up under the covers on the right side, still in the same clothes.

"Good night Techno," a sleepy Tommy said.

"Night Toms," Techno replied.

The night went relatively well, considering all the kicking and blanket pulling there had been. Either way, they both slept through the whole night and had a decent sleep.

Tommy snuggled deeper into the blanket on his bed, he doesn't remember owning this big of a comforter but it was nice nonetheless. Techno sleepily pulled the large pillow closer, snuggling into the top of it. He forgot how nice it was to sleep in his own bed back home with his mass amounts of pillows and blankets. Although, he wasn't home, was he? Wasn't he in Minnesota?

Techno finally opened his eyes only to be met with a clump of untamed blonde hair. He practically leaped from the bed, Tommy rolling off the other side with a thump.

"What the hell man!" he yelled rubbing his forehead. Techno only waved him off and gathered his things up.

"Just- get dressed so we can leave, will you?" He slammed the bathroom door shut. Soon enough the two left the motel, Tommy being completely oblivious and Techno being well... Techno. They were currently waiting in the parking lot, waiting for one of Tommy's friends to come pick them up. And well, Techno couldn't say he was exactly pleased when what looked and smelled like a drug van practically smashed into the side of the motel.


Tommmmmmaaaaayyyyyy! oh ho ho, wonder who this would be...

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