The King

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        Once there was a kingdom, it's land was covered in lush grasses. Trees grew taller than mountains, but the thing that made this kingdom so special were its inhabitants. The King of these lands had passed away the year his youngest son was born. The king was ruthless and had murdered his three wives due to the weak offspring they brought him. Finally, someone hired an assassin to kill him. His first son was sent to a nearby kingdom as a baby. The second son was left in the barn and when someone found the child, took him to an orphanage in another kingdom. The third son the king was satisfied with, he had extremely high hopes for this son, but alas the child was stolen in the middle of the night. With each unsatisfactory offspring the king would kill the mothers as punishment. His fourth son, his last son, he never did get to meet. The mother (unlike the others) was not killed, but died after giving birth. And so the fourth son was sent to the kingdoms orphanage. Now one thing was left to be wondered, what had happened to the kingdom?

I'm glad you asked. It's simple really, with no one to rule kingdoms from around the area had come running to claim the land, but it's people awaited their true ruler.

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