Finding Them Pt. 38

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        A sword was at their throat, their head could be lying next to their body in seconds if they didn't act accordingly.

"Who are you?" Techno growled, the sword never wavering.

"Techno, what did they do?" Phil asked approaching the two, he couldn't help as a very similar previous situation played through his mind like deja vu.

"They were watching us sleep. Probably planning on killing us," Techno spat, glaring at the captive. Phil sighed, what was he going to do with him?

"Fine, then. Who are you and what do you want with us?" he asked, taking Techno's side.

"I wasn't- I mean no harm. Could you possibly just, maybe, take the sword away from my throat? It's, getting pretty close there." A woman's voice spoke from beneath the hood. Techno grabbed the hood down, it was hard to see in the night but she seemed to have pale skin, black hair and deep brown eyes. Her voice was soft and kind, but they weren't going to be fooled easily.

"No, not until you can prove you aren't a threat." Techno didn't hesitate, confidence radiating off of him.

"Then what can I do to convince you otherwise?" She asked, still nervous of the blade oh so very close to her throat.

"Drop all of your weapons, answer all of our questions," he instructed.

"I mean, I could do that but you could also kill me very easily then," she thought aloud. Techno scoffed.

"That's kind of the point." The blade got closer.

"Fine, fine." She took all of her weapons and dropped them on the ground. They mainly consisted of variants of small knives, but she also had one sword. "So what do you want to know? I did as you asked I'll answer your questions, can you put the sword away now?" she spoke confidently, despite her situation. Techno grumbled, but removed he weapon.

"What are you doing here?" Phil came over, asking the question most of them had been wondering. The woman brushed a strand of hair from her eye.

"Well, I could ask you the same thing, I come through here on a regular basis. Barely anyone travels through these wood, yet the past two days it seems to be picking up popularity," she explained. This piqued their interest.

"Who else came through before us?" Phil asked quickly. She raised a brow before answering.

" Oh, um, they were two boys. They looked to be around twelve to thirteen. The brown haired one was weird, he kept talking to himself, through himself, if that makes sense? He dragged the blonde all the way to the dungeons. I think he hit him in the head with a stone or brick as well," she recalled her previous encounter. "I was actually going back to the village to get some help, I need to get that boy out of there before they execute him, but I need help," she finished slightly out of breath. The three blanched, she was talking about Tommy and Tubbo.

"Listen, our brother is the one who was taken to the dungeons; we've been looking for him, would you mind taking us there?" Phil stepped toward her worry and excitement coursed through him. They knew where he was, they could save him; but could they do it in time was the question.

"Well, I'm glad our motives align, I'd be more than happy to take you to him, get him out of there. That other boy with him was unsettling, unstable, it's not safe for him there," she explained, concern lacing her tone.

"Mmmm. Thank you, how soon can we leave?" he asked.

"If you're up for it, right now. Just keep close and be quiet, we'll be there before the sun rises." 

sooo mystery person is girlllllllllll :D also the death will most likely be in the next update just a heads up, cuz ANGST but itll all be good. So yeah :) also Just a warning I'm gonna be switching some stuff with the Finding Them seperate book cuz I felt like having such long chapters was inconvient to read, especially after i sat down myself and did that so just prepare for notifications if you have that on or whatnot. 

have an awesome day wisps!!! <3

~Hollow :D

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