Gonnigan? He's gone again. 1

446 38 6

        They're gone again.

If anyone were to come to the house they would find a boy and his brother, and little to no evidence of any other residents living in the establishment. On the hook in the foyer hung two coats, below them two pairs of shoes. The small house had two bedrooms, but only one was ever used. Down the hall to the left was a room left untouched, a layer of dust gathering from neglect. Across from it, the lived-in bedroom. A bed and a crib were placed side by side, A dresser and a closet being the only other things occupying the space.

Wilbur sat on the old couch, his brother in his lap. He tried his hardest to fix up the old couch, but there was only so much the thirteen-year-old could do. He bounced Tommy on his knee gently while reading over the child's shoulder.

"Ah!" A chubby hand hit his shoulder gently. Wilbur ignored it and continued reading. "Ah!" Tommy yelled again hitting Wilbur repeatedly. Wilbur huffed before turning his attention to the baby in front of him.

"Yes, Toms?" He asked coyly with a tilt of his head. Tommy only giggled before babbling away as if Wilbur could understand him.

"That's nice Tommy, then what happened?" His brother only smiled wider as he continued his story. Wilbur had learned a while ago that Tommy would love to babble on about everything and anything, even though it wasn't exactly English. He also found out the hard way that Tommy could tell when you weren't paying attention and would get upset, so he would spout encouraging words showing him he was engaging. He was fairly sure Tommy would be saying his first words sometime soon.

Soon enough Tommy came to the end of the story, and with it came dinner time. Wilbur got out a baby bottle for Tommy and whipped himself up a sandwich.

"Here ya go bub." Wilbur fed him.

Soon enough the two had finished eating and the sun had already disappeared under the horizon. Wilbur brought the energetic child back into their shared bedroom and climbed up to the headboard leaning himself against it while cradling Tommy close to his chest.

"Bah, Bah," Tommy gurgled hitting Wilbur's cheek, tired eyes watching his brother with a wonderous gaze.

"Alright Toms," Wilbur complied, he knew what Tommy had wanted. Tommy had almost made up his own little language, something only Wilbur could understand. Right now he wanted a lullaby, but not just any random song. He wanted his special song which Wilbur would sing to him every night before bed. "Baby beluga in the deep blue sea~," Wilbur began singing softly, watching as a content smile spread its way across Tommy's face. "You swim so wild and you swim so free, heaven above and the sea below and a little white whale on the go~." Wilbur had begun to let his thoughts wander as he sang, where were Phil and Techno? They were supposed to be home three weeks ago, Phil had promised. But just like always, those promises were never kept. Why had he left Wilbur here with an infant? Why had he brought Tommy home if he was just going to abandon him in the first place? These were questions Wilbur thinks he will never find the answer to.

"Oh baby, beluga, oh baby beluga, is your mommy home? With you safe and sound? And you, so, hap- py?" Wilbur's voice died off as Tommy's eyes closed and breathing evened out.

Their dad wasn't home, but they were safe, and Wilbur was happy. He just had to keep Tommy happy too.

Not too sure what this was, I do have more of it being worked on atm cuz I kinda fell in love with the whole bad dad Phil leaves Wilbur with tommy and goes out adventuring with Techno. Even though I could only find like- five of these on ao3 so this fic (at least the begining) is heavily inspired by Theshycreeper 'A gremlins first words' on AO3. Ngl I literally love that fic so much XD. But yeah so idk really where this will end up going but I wanted to write parent wilbur and baby tommy, so this is the result of it.

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