Finding Them Pt.27

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Techno looked at Dreams hand,an offer. He wasn't going to take it, not when he just got something so good. Besides, if he agreed to this he would just be a tool, the exact thing he wanted to escape in the first place. 'We could use someone like you on our side.' The words rubbed him the wrong way, they weren't pleasant, a sentence trying to flatter him for his skills, no. Dream was saying, 'You're strong, we are going to get that strength, one way or another.' Techno wasn't stupid, he knew what they were doing, and that's why he had an answer.

"No thanks, I've got other priorities to attend to," Techno got straight to the point, not wanting to give the other the wrong idea. He left Dreams hand lay lonely in the air, refusing to take it.

"Oh, what kind of priorities?" God,why is this guy so nosey? Techno could tell him the truth, tell him how he was most likely going to steal the kingdom right out from under his fingertips, they wouldn't hold onto it for long. Or, he could lie. Lying seemed to be the better option in this situation. He just had to come up with something, tedious, time consuming, prioritizing worthy.

"I'm a potato farmer." Not that, stupid. Techno thought to himself. Out of all the things he could've said, how was he even going to prove this one? Other than prove it how was he going to explain how he snapped the other man's neck so easily. Potato farmer? He mentally face palmed. Dream, George, and Sapnap looked at him skeptically.

"Okay, the kingdom does need more food sources. Keep up the work then," Dream paused, " But the offer still stands, you ever decide to join us just come to the castle, tell the guards Dream sent you, the staff will help you find us," Dream explained shortly.

"We should really be going now, were already late for the meeting," Sapnap chimed in. Dream nodded, pushing the other two back into the carriage.

"Bye! It was nice meeting you!" He yelled waving out the window as they were towed away. Techno blinked turning away from the receding carriage to face his brothers.

"So, anything you wanna tell us?" Phil started.

"Uh, well I'd rather not but I guess I'll have to," Techno sighed, "but not here," Techno gestured to the onlooking faces of strangers. why did they have to stare like that?​​​​​​​ Techno wanted to melt into the ground at their eyes on him. The three walked away briskly wanting the attention off of them. Hopefully Tommy would be back soon, they could have a family meeting of sorts, let Techno explain everything to them. What they didn't expect to walk in on, however, was said child curled up under the blanket, knees to his chest. The only thing they could see without the outline of a blanket was the Tufts of his hair poking out the top of the blanket.

Ahhhhhh in writing this on my phone againnnnnn. I dont like writing on my phone, but I be in da car atm. Sad Tommy go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

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