Finding Them Pt.25

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          "Come on George. You don't want to sleep through the territory treaty meeting, not again at least," Sapnap drug the covers off of George causing him to groan not wanting to get out of bed. Another man walked into the room.

"Is he up yet?" Dream asked Sapnap. Sapnap sighed.

"Sort of, you'd think he'd be more responsible seeing as he rules an entire kingdom," Sapnap said sarcastically, directed at George. Dream hummed in agreement before cannonballing onto the bed.

"Come on Georgy-poo! You need to wake up so you can tend to all your big boy duties," Dream cooed. If George was going to act like a child, Dream was going to treat him like one.

"Oh, fuck off," George rolled over attempting to push Dream off the other side of the bed.

"Please your highness, have mercy on me! You wouldn't have your most skilled knight chop off my head, would you?" Dream asked being a dramatic little shit.

"Oh, shut it you all this talk about skilled knights, it's going to make your head so big that one day it will just explode," George said, finally climbing out of bed.

"Will you two stop flirting so we can leave?" Sapnap said irritated. George blushed turning away, Dream only smirked.

"Alright, alright, be ready in five," With that Dream stepped out of the room. Today they would be discussing territory treaties with surrounding kingdoms. The ultimate goal was just to maintain their current land, but if they had the opportunity for more, they would take it. When George finally emerged from his room, he was practically tripping over his own two feet, rushing to the carriage.

"You're just in time! Next time don't sleep in so late and we won't have to rush out the door," Dream reprimanded. George scoffed.

"Yeah, well next time don't be up until ungodly hours at night stabbing the life out of an inanimate object," George retorted.

"Well do you want to be killed or not? It's not like your royal subjects like you all that much, seeing as there's already a rebellion group within four years of your reign. You have to keep an eye on them, can't have them getting out of hand."

"Trust me I know, you don't have to remind me," George spoke the truth. He knew about the rebellion groups, he has for months now. It was a topic that never truly left his mind, always there in the back of his head, nagging him. 'There are people out there who want you dead.' They whispered. 'You took everything from them, and for what?' They sneered. George knew alright, he didn't need to be reminded. Yet, George held his tongue, Dream didn't need his worries on top of what Dream already was concerned about.

He couldn't think of anyone he would trust more than the two with him now, whether it be his deepest secrets or running a kingdom, he knew he could trust them no matter what. That's why they were his two head advisors, with those two by his side they were practically invincible.

He was pulled from his train of thought when the carriage door flew open suddenly. Two men clambered in, they were quick and strong, grabbing for George. Dream and Sapnap shot up, weapons drawn. George reached for his own weapon, an axe, while desperately trying to get away from the attackers. Dream charged the men first, effectively pushing them both right out the door, they fell on their backs with a thump. Sapnap was hot on his tail, the addressed the situation.

Six men were attacking them, their goal was George. A man on his right swung at him with an iron sword. Stupid. Dream thought, the man's form was sloppy and weapon was pathetic. He quickly cut him down while two others tried rushing him. These two weren't much better, but at least they had diamond swords. Dream and Sapnap were occupied, two vs. one on each side. Dream was almost finished with the two when he took a head count, sapnap was taking care of the two he had fought, tying them up along with the one Dream had previously battled. Three. Then there were the two he was fighting almost finished. He knew they wouldn't win, they were tired, heaving from exhaustion. Their stances were even sloppier now, legs wobbling, hands shaking. They didn't stand a chance.

Five. Where was the sixth? Did he miscount? No, he never makes a mistake, not in this sort of situation. Not here, not like this. Dream scoured the area for the last attacker. George. His head whipped around eyes wide as he saw the straggler creep up behind him. He had to do something, get to him. Everyone was occupied. If Dream turned his back on these two there would be a sword in his back faster than he could move. One of them was going to die.

"George!" Dream tried to yell, but it choked, stuck in his throat.  


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