What's Wrong? -

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(so basically since these are oneshots, and well wilbur is going all villain mode, I felt like writing some angst, so yeah-)

The world, the world is something no one can truly understand. For most of my life I've felt like with enough determination, help, and will I could do anything. But what am I supposed to do when everyone is against me? All of my friends- I.

Once upon a time, I lived in L'manberg, ruled with an iron fist, fought for our independence. I shed tears with my comrades, I had a loving son, I had my family. Election day came and went. Our party didn't win, and in a way that was okay, but being banished from the land we created- that was an indescribable feeling.

But unfortunately, this isn't a fairy tale. So here I sit, in this ravine. The smell of potatoes wafted through the air. It's cold. So cold. I miss my friends. They all like the new president better. I wasn't good enough, everything I had is gone and I have no one to blame but myself. If only that dictator, that villain. What a word that is, villain. He acts like one to me, but what about to the rest of L'manberg? Surely they can't see him in a good light. Could they? What if-

What if I'm the villain.

That would make sense wouldn't it? If they really wanted me for president they would have voted me in, maybe I was doing a bad job. Maybe I wasn't good enough. I- I. What is any of this worth? Do I, do I keep fighting? Or is it all in vein? It would be so easy to just, give up. I think, that's a pretty good Idea.

"Hey Will, what are you doing?" I look to my left, Tommy. I smile.

"Tommy, what if- what if we're the bad guys?" Tommy looks at me confused. "What?"

"I said; What if, we're the bad guys?" He thinks for a moment. "No, no we're not." I frown, wrong answer. I walk closer to him, we are similar in height, but I still have a few inches on him.

"But what if, I want to be the bad guy?" I smile. "No, Will, that- that isn't an option." He argues with me. The corners of my mouth turn down again.

"C'mon Tommy, We could blow up the entire place! Dream has TNT and he is obviously on our side! If I can't have Manberg, NO ONE, NO ONE CAN HAVE MANBERG!" Tommy steps back. "No Will, this isn't- this isn't right." "What isn't right Tommy?! Nothing is alright! Nothing has been alright! I am so done with everyone! I don't know who I can trust! All I want now, all I want, is to watch their bodies go limp, and the whites of their eyes fade away. I want to see the death, Tommy."

"Willbur, you know I can't agree with that."

"Y'know Tommy? This, is why you'll never be president." I spat. His aura darkens a bit, I've upset him.

"Yeah, I guess so. Good luck Willbur, I'm not giving up on you. But I'm not giving in either." 

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