The Night We Met (angst)

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      First off thank you guys! we're just about at 5k reads on wattpad so thanks my dudes! quick thing if you don't wanna read the angst, don't read the angst, i'm not gonna spoil anything but just know that nothing hurts worse then the hurt of a parent losing a child, let alone three.  - a/n

     So if you couldn't tell already, yes this is going to be a song fic cuz I've been listening to this song on repeat for a while now and I just can imagine this headcanon. The song is The Night We Met by Lord Huron. 

                I am not the only traveler 

     Philza was the young age of sixteen when he found his first son. Philza was many things, a builder, an adventurer, a survivalist, right now? He was just a man. A man in the woods, enjoying the life around him. 

               Who has not repaid his debt

    He stepped over the forestry with relative ease, muscle memory guiding his feet along the green terrain. The forest was lush, lively. Greens were scattered about, like an abstract painting that somehow made sense. Bits of purples and blues littered the canvas where berries grew. Today however, there was something off about his beautiful painting, some pink. The pale color was that of a pig. When Philza looked closer he found that the pink was a child, pink hair and pale pig ears. Two small tusks rested outside of the child's mouth. The kid was a piglin hybrid, Philza was interested by this, being a raven hybrid himself. The thing that surprised Philza the most was the golden sword that the child had with him. It was as tall, if not taller, than the child. The gold color glistened in the light of the sun making it seem mightier than it was. 

           I've been searching for a trail to follow again

     Curious, Philza made his way over to the being. When he got too close the piglin slashed his sword about in defense. Unprepared, Philza jolted back quickly not wanting this to be the outcome of his curiosity. 

     "Hey! Watch it!" He yelled in retaliation. The piglin however held his stance, sword pointing towards Phil, awaiting his next move. Realizing the kid wasn't going to back off or attack Phil put his hands up and kneeled on the ground closer to the child's height. 

     " I'm not going to hurt you, I was just curious is all." The child was not impressed with this and gave a small huff instead. 

        Take me back to the night we met

     That was a night Philza would never forget. That was the night he met his first son, Techno. Shortly after the meeting of the two, Phil finally gained the piglin's trust after showing him his wings. He never knew why but the child was entranced with them, maybe it was the way the sun reflected on his feathers, giving them a purple illuminessence. Either way Philza was happy it had worked, he soon took Techno back to his home, gave him a bed, food, clothing, a home. And for a while it was just the two of them, and Philza loved every second of it. 

         And then I can tell myself 

      But, Techno wasn't here now, and he didn't like that. Soon after Philza found Techno in the forest he soon found Wilbur. Phil remembers this day very clearly. Like I said before, Philza was a man of many talents, jobs and hobbies. One of those jobs however just happened to be a  tracker, He could find the missing people that no one else could. One of the cases he was most proud of was finding Wilbur. His case was a special one. Unlike most of his cases that happened when children were swept off the street this was an interesting case. A group of people had intentionally broken into his house, killed both of his parents and then took the child. It was hard to find any clues as to where they went, but when Philza did he finally found what he was looking for. 

         What the hell I'm supposed to do

      Wilbur had been held captive in an old building, he along with many other children had been held there for quite some time. But like I said before, Wilbur was a special case. The rest of the children that Philza had freed had had somewhere to go. Wilbur had nobody and nowhere to go back to. And so came to be the second addition to Philza's growing family, a sweet siren hybrid. 

      And then I can tell myself

     Philza smiles fondly at the memory, a tear running down his already tear-stained face. For a year Techno and Wilbur had been the best sons he could ask for, sure they had their quarls, but who didn't? Philza's next and final child came as both a blessing and a curse. 

      Not to ride along with you 

   Tommy was the youngest of the three when Philza found him. Unlike with Wilbur and Techno Philza didn't find Tommy. Tommy found them. It was a rather cold day when Phil had taken his sons to the market to get some groceries for that night's dinner. As you could imagine the little gremlin child was sneaky, sly and coy. All the things a five-year-old shouldn't be. But in the dog eats dog world, Tommy had learned how to adapt rather quickly. Running past Philza quickly Tommy grabbed his wallet, and kept on running. This action baffled Philza greatly, and so Tommy mentally rewarded himself, his tactic had worked like he planned. Confused, but not willing to give up that quickly Phil picked up his two sons and beat his large wings making them take off. With an aerial view Philza quickly spotted the young thief. Landing quietly and close by he snuck up behind Tommy, who was currently counting the money in the wallet. 

      "You didn't need to steal that you know." Tommy jumped at the voice behind him, eyes widening at the familiar man. Philza's heart dropped at the sight of the battered child, dirt and dried blood speckled his skin, bags had formed under his eyes. 

      With a little coaxing and reprimanding Philza went home with his third son that day, his youngest annoying his older brothers the minute it was declared that he would be staying with them. 

         I had all and then most of you 

      Yes, Philza remembered these days as if he was living through them every moment he was alive. These were the days he would never forget, the days he met his sons.  Philza would remember them clearly as he held his eldests body close, praying to whatever god was out there that he could have him back. 

        Some and now none of you

      He would remember those nights as he mourned his middle's death, a blade through his heart, a content look ever upon his face. And Philza prayed to whatever god was out there, that his son could finally rest. 

         Take me back to the night we met

      He would remember those nights as he cried with his youngest's best friend, holding the boy close as both of their hearts shattered. His youngest had died with his limbs unattached from his body, flesh off of his bones. And Philza prayed to whatever god was out there, that they would cease his son's pain. 

      I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you 

    Philza sits at his sons' graves, flowers adorned each and a tree grew behind the stones. And Philza waits, he waits patiently by his sons, wondering when the time will come that he will see them again. He sits, and he mourns. He sits and he thinks, he reminisces. The sun is setting now behind the hill, an orange glow illuminating the sky. 

     "I love you," He whispers to his sons. 

    "We love you too, dad," He hears the wind whisper back.

 And then, he leaves, back to his building, back to his projects, his hobbies, his jobs. But he'll be back tomorrow,  the one thing he wishes however, Is that someone would take him back to the nights they met. 

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