The Children*

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        "Tubbo!" Tommy yelled. The small brunet boy turned to face his friend.

"Hello Tommy!" He greeted. "Do you think your brothers will et you go to town with me?" The blonde asked. Tubbo thought for a moment, his face grimacing. "I don't know, not after what happened last time."

"Just because we get into a fight ONE TIME means nothing! I was just trying to do business, but no one wanted to do business!" Tommy defended. "I suppose so. Let's go!"

Meanwhile a couple nations over a boy with unnaturally pink hair stood facing the valley that stretched for miles. His eyes were glossed over in thought, a stoic expression molded his face. The boy had been trained since he was a child. His trainer was evil, working the child past his limits. Malnutrition was a common thing for the boy, the cold even more so. Now, the boy was one of the strongest people in the world. With that power he intended to leave, and start his own life. One where he wasn't a dog on a leash.

"Techno! Get inside now!" Yeah, he was ready to leave. With that the pink haired boy went back inside and prepared his freedom.

"I know it must sound insane, but that's part of the package. If you can't handle me at my worst she don't deserve my mental baggage." A man with brown fluffy hair sang and strummed his guitar. The town square was bustling today, what a perfect day for a performance. People of all ages would come to see him perform. In turn, he would travel to perform for them. Although the man was most known for being a musician he was also called upon by kingdom officials for his help with political and territorial transactions.

Although the man was widely loved he still longed for something more. He had never had a true family, in and out of foster homes was how he spent his child hood. Maybe one day along his journey he would find it.

"And, that should do it." A man with blonde hair finished packing away his things and took a look around his house. It was a simple small house two rooms, but it was enough for him. Nothing was left on the shelves but a trail of dust the only things that remained were the furniture. The man had three bags with him, one full of scrolls, one full of his belongings and the final filled with food. He hoisted the sacks onto his steed and off he went. When it was finally nightfall he stopped and set up a camp. One thought crossed his mind before he fell into a dreamless sleep. I have to find them.

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