Finding Them Pt.7

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        "Please sir, I haven't eaten in two weeks."

     "Get out of here kid!" Fine then, I guess I'll have to do this the hard way. Tommy thought. He was small, fast, stealthy. Seven wallets is what remained when he was done. Unfortunately for Tommy, the people in this kingdom were just as poor as him.

     "Five, six, seve, eight." Only eight dollars out of the seven wallets. That was enough for three meals. But this also meant he couldn't waste any on the red scooter. Disappointed, Tommy shoved the money in his back pocket. He then scattered the wallets around the town square to be found. He would just have to do better next time.

     Meanwhile in a few towns over stood a man with a guitar and a bright yellow jumper.

     "My twitter feeds like my brain, 'cause I have it on dark mode." The melody wafted through the air to bystanders.

     "Hey there son, I'm sorry to say this but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. No offense but no-one's really liking the extra noise today." A local store owner. Wilbur's heart dropped. This guy had basically just told him how his passion was an inconvenience.

     "No I'm sorry. I don't think I can do that, this is how I make a living." Wilbur tried explaining to the man.

     "Listen, I don't want to be mean about this, let alone use force but-"

     "But what? I highly doubt you can forcefully remove me from here."

     "Son, I'm getting real tired of your attitude-"

     "What attitude?"


     "Stop calling me son!" (Why do I make so many Hamilton references?) The man backed down, multiple heads turned toward the commotion.

     "Somebody call the palace guards," Several people ran off to get help, "If I were you I'd start running," The man suggested warningly. Wilbur did just that, he grabbed his guitar and ran. Long legs gave him the advantage through the town, but once he reached the forest they were more of a curse. Branches whacked the top of his head, rips now littered his beanie. Leaves and twigs latched onto his clothing. He didn't stop running until his legs ached and his heart raced. Finally, deeming himself safe, he slowed to a walking pace. I

    If there was one thing Wilbur did not want it was being thrown in the dungeons. He had been held there once, one of the worst experiences in his life. Mainly because he was almost executed. And If there was one thing Wilbur wanted to keep, he would ultimately end up choosing between his guitar and his life.

     The forest was quiet and serene, what had been a heart pounding chase was now a leisurely walk. The air was crisp, but he welcomed it into his lungs with large breathes, desperate for oxygen. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace, up until he stepped on a particularly loud twig.

     "Found him! He's over here!" The clattering of metal found him. Blood rushed to his ears, adrenaline kicking in. How did the find me!? I thought I was far enough away! Obviously, he was wrong. Legs and arms pumping, Wilbur started sprinting again. It was a life or death situation after all. Why did he have to be chased by palace guards again? It hasn't even been si- "Oof!" Wilbur's body collided with something tall and sturdy, a tree.

     "Are you alright?" Trees couldn't talk.

     "G-guards," Wilbur managed to get out. THe man he ran into grabbed him off the ground, practically dragging him along behind him. "Here, climb as high as you can, then be quiet." The man gave him a boost into a tree. Below him was a makeshift campsite. Wilbur climbed as high as he could, muscles aching. He brought his knees to his chest on a sturdy brand. His head rested against the trunk, guitar forgotten somewhere at the campsite. From the top of the tree he could hear the faint sound of pieces of metal hitting one another.

     "Hello gentlemen." The guard greeted. Gentlemen? There was only one man before...

     "Hello sir, what can we do for you?" A voice asked, it was someone other than the man he had run into.

     "Have you seen a tall lad with a yellow jumper come through these parts?" The guard asked. The two men staying at the campsite looked at eachother questioningly. "I didn't see anyone, did you Techno?" Techno shook his head, face expressionless. "No I'm sorry we haven't seen anyone out here, just set up camp a little over noon." The man continued. The guard nodded understanding.

     "Thank you for your cooperation. If you see or hear anything let us know." The guard then walked off. Once they were sure it was safe, Techno climbed up the tree to retrieve Wilbur. As soon as his feet were on the ground Wilbur noticed the second man, and got a good look at the man he now knows as 'Techno'. Opening his mouth to say something he was suddenly cut off, by a sword to his throat. One swing and he was dead.

"Who are you?"

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