"Yeah sure, but it's going to fucking suck." He mutters. I roll my eyes and scoop him up into my arms, laughing when he squeals. I start heading back to the library. 

"Of course it will. But we have a week, and I fully intend to do this boyfriend thing right this time." 

Sirius relaxes a little, something very rare for an assassin. "There's no right way to love someone, moony. You were doing just fine the first time." 

"Well, this time I'm not going to give you up. How's that?" I drop Sirius on the window sill and he giggles, pulling on my wrist until I fall on top of him. 

"That sounds perfect." Sirius says, his grey eyes burning with something that makes my insides melt. 

Then we're kissing again. You know, I've kissed a lot of boys. None of them have been even almost as good as Sirius. It's like we're just meant to be together, meant to fit together like puzzle pieces. 

Well fuck, that was corny. But, it was apprvopriate. I've never clicked with anyone they way I have with Sirius. He's so loud and happy and fucking... Healed. He's not broken like I am, at least he hides it better. 

"You're thinking too much, cherié," Sirius murmurs, one of his hands holding my hip and the other on my neck. 

"I always think too much, it's my shtick."  I say, rolling off of Sirius to pull him to my chest. He sighs and looks up at me, tucking an arm around my waist. 

"I've got to go, I have to work in the nursery." Sirius says, kissing me on the cheek before sitting up. 

"Aw come on, it's special circumstances!" I say, sitting up and wrapping Sirius up in my arms. He rolls his eyes. 

"I happen to know that my favorite whiney baby has guard duty today," Sirius says. I huff indignantly and lay my head awkwardly on his shoulder. 

"How do you know?" 

Sirius gestures to the lighter on the small table beside the window sill. "You forgot to put your lighter away,"

"Alastor put me on graveyard shift. I was just planning on taking a nap before you decided to show up, because my over thinking ass can't seem to sleep lately."

Sirius stands up and kisses my forehead. "Well, you get some sleep and I'll bring you dinner, sound good?"

"Sounds great," I say, tilting my chin up so he kisses my lips instead of my forehead. 

~Sirius' POV, later~

I walk into the library rubbing my eye, holding a plate of food for Remus because I decided to eat with James and Peter. 

I'm just about to announce my presence when I spot Remus. He's on the window sill of course, tangled up in a blanket with his Carmel curls splayed across the pillow. He's asleep, perfect lips slightly parted and his freckles on display. Not for the first time, I think about the fact that Remus is only eighteen. He acts so much older, it's hard to see him as a teenager. 

I set the plate down on a table and take my boots off before before padding over to the window and laying beside Remus (I'm on the outside for once). 

For a few moments, I just watch him. He's the most relaxed I've ever seen him, even if he is still tense when he's asleep. But.. It's nice to see him with his guard down for once. I can tell he tries not to stay in his head when he's with me, but it's hard to unlearn a habit. 

I reach up and gently push Remus' hair out of his eyes. "Moony.." I  whisper, making Remus whine. I smile, kissing his cheek. "Good morning, Cherié," 

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