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~Sirius POV~

I watch young little Harry Potter as he runs through the playground, his imagination dreaming up its own desires and stories. He comes sprinting at me. I open my arms for him, lifting him up to eye level once
he gets to me.

"Dada! I made a new friend!" Harry squeals. I settle him on my hip, my arm supporting his back.

"That's amazing puppy!" I praise, kissing the top of the three year olds head. "Where are they?" I ask. Harry points across the part to a tall man with a sandy brown hair. He has a blue haired little boy next to him, excitedly talking to him.

"Well, why don't we go say hi?" I ask, walking across the park to them. The little boy looks at me and hides behind the man's legs, peeking out slightly to look at me.

"It's okay teddy," The man says softly, picking the small boy up. I smile and set Harry down.

"Teddy, this is my dad," Harry says, gesturing to me. The man sets Teddy down and they run off.

"I guess I don't get introduced, I'm Remus," The man, Remus, says, reaching out to shake my hand.

"I'm Sirius," I say, shaking his hand.

"The emotion or the star?"

"The star, I'm anything but serious," I chuckle.

"Your boy seems pretty excited, it's usually hard for teddy to make friends," Remus and I sit down on a park bench.

"Harry loves people, gets it from his momma," I say, my eyes stinging at the thought of the redhead.

"You must be lucky to have her," Remus says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No, no, Harry isn't my son. He's my godson. His parents died when he was real little. His dad was my best mate," I explain quickly. Remus nods his head.

"Teddy's mum left when he was about one and a half. I told her that I'm gay and she went off the rails,"

"I don't mean to be nosy, but why did you have teddy if you're gay? Don't get me wrong, I'm strait as a circle, I just don't understand why you would hook up with a woman if you're gay," I say, confused. Remus sighs and drags a hand through his hair.

"We were drunk. Well I was drunk because she drugged me. And she manipulated me into having sex with her. She didn't know I was gay, she just thought I was playing hard to get. She had been flirting non stop for months. When I woke up the next day I had a raging hangover and I was sick for a week. She came back to my flat six weeks later, saying she was pregnant and it was mine. So when teddy was born we had bloodwork done, and yes, he's mine. I was confused because I couldn't remember knocking her up, so I got the whole damned story out of her. We were never in love, we just stayed together for teddy. But when I told her I'm gay, she just left us. Teddy and I do great on out own though, I have no idea what I would do without him," Remus finishes the story, looking over at Teddy.

"Wow, that's crazy, who was the girl?" I ask.

"Nymphadora Tonks," Remus says.

"Holy shit. She's my cousin. Distant, but still. I haven't talked to her in years, we just went different ways in life" I say, mostly to myself.

"You seem a lot less crazy that she is," Remus chuckles, immediately shutting up when Harry comes running over to us. He has tears in his eyes. I pull him into my lap.

"Hey, what's wrong, little one?" I ask, wiping his tears. Harry climbs off my lap, tugging at my arm.

"Where's Teddy?" Remus asks, concerned.

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