Our Cub

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~Remus POV~
Sirius just got out of azakaban after being there for 3 years and we're sitting in the living room of our flat.  Just,  being with each other. Soon,  an owl pecks the window and Sirius gets up to get it. He comes back holding a letter,  sitting in front of me on the couch.  He opens the letter and I read over his shoulder.

Dear Remus and Sirius,
I need to see you at Hogwarts as soon as possible.  There are some things we need to discuss about your godson Mr Harry Potter.

With great urgency
Albus Dumbledore

I look at my husband and we both get up,  quick as a flash. We run to the floo and throw in the powder shouting "HOGWARTS,  DUMBLEDORES OFFICE"

I step out of the floo,  Sirius not far behind. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HARRY" we both shout. 

"Boys,  you should sit down.  Remus,  you might need to keep him under control." We sit down on a couch Dumbledore had conjured in front of his desk.  I put one of my arms around his waist,  restraining him. 

"Boys,  Mrs figg has informed me that Mr Potter has been abused by his muggle aunt and uncle. I did not know of this until recently.  She informed me that she heard horrible slurs being thrown and whimpers coming from the house.  I know you will be angry with me,  for I am angry with myself for making this grave mistake.  But you must rescue this boy as soon as you can.  I have the adoption papers here to legalize it" Dumbledore explains.  By the time he's done Sirius is seething and I'm near crying. 

"Sirius,  baby calm down,  we need to go save our godson" I put my forehead against his.  He breathes in deeply to compose himself.

"Okay, let's go save our godson"

"Sirius give my your wand"

"Why?" Sirius looks at me like I'm crazy,  a hand over the pocket where he keeps his wand.

"You're gonna get mad and I'd rather not explain you using magic to muggle policemen"

Sirius sighs audibly.  "You're probably right" He reluctantly hands over his wand and I put it in my pocket next to my own wand. We floo back home and I grab his hand. Apparating us to the end of privet drive. We walk to the house that has number 4 on it.  We hear something shatter and a man yell "YOU STUPID FREAK" and whimpering. 

We run up to the house and I knock.  Sirius has his hands balled into fists and he's breathing heavily. "Cool it,  it won't help if you're mad"

"Okay,  okay,  I'm good" A woman with a long neck answers the door smiling.  Her smile quickly falters.

"You're one of them.  You were my sisters dimwitted husbands friends"

I have to fight the urge to smack her in the face.

"We are hear to get our godson,  Harry potter.  Now where the hell is he" Sirius growls.  Petunia motions toward the kitchen and we both push past her. What we find there horrifies me.  A man is on top of a small boy.  Pounding him.  And another small boy is sitting at the table laughing.  I have to hold Sirius back.  I draw my want and shout "STUPEFY" "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS" Sirius and I both run to Harry. 

"Harry?" Sirius whispers softly. The small boy whimpers and stands up.  Running to a cupboard under the stairs?  Sirius and I race over to the stairs and I stop him

"Sirius,  let me.  You're angry and it's not helping.  Just let me get him out of here okay?" He nods and I kiss his forehead.  I open the door carefully,  so I don't scare the small boy. I see a small cot with a ratty blanket, a lump in the center.

"Harry?  I'm Remus.  I was friends with your parents.  I'm your godfather.  Sirius over there is too. We are here to take you home.  Don't worry,  I won't hurt you sweetheart" A small head pop out from under the covers

"You aren't going to hurt me?" A small voice whispers.

"Sweetheart,  I would never hurt you.  I swear I wont hurt you.  Can you come her so I can look at your owies?" The boy hesitantly crawls over to me. I examine the back of his head,  making him wince in pain. 

"I'm sorry sweetie,  I know. Do you mind if I pick you up?"

"I don't mind" I stand up and gently pick up the four year old boy. He stiffens slightly.

"I'm not gonna hurt you sweetie,  it's alright" I sooth,  rubbing his back.  I sway from side to side,  bouncing him a little. I look over at Sirius.  He looks at me. 

"Get them to sign the papers" I whisper,  seeing as Harry is sleeping in my arms.

Sirius walks back into the kitchen.  He walks up to petunia who is cowering against the wall,  her son clinging to her. She signs the papers immediately. 

~Sirius POV~
Here comes the hard part "re I don't have my wand,  cant cast the counter curse" Remus draws his want and casts the counter curse.  The man on the ground comes to and immediately starts screaming.


"SIGN THE DAMN PAPERS AND WE'LL LEAVE" I shout in response. He signs the papers


"YOU CALL HIM A FUCKING FREAK ONE MORE TAME IN I'LL RIP YOUR DAMN THROAT OUT YOU UNDERSTAND ME?  HE IS A FOUR YEAR OLD LITTLE BOY!" I finish screaming and storm out of the house.  Remus is already outside.  A crying little boy in his arms.  I walk over to them

"I'm so sorry,  did I wake him up?" Remus nods.  I look down at Harry.

"Harry honey I'm sorry, I'm not mad.  I'm just mad at your uncle.  I will never hurt you. Ever"

"You promise?" Harry asks

"I promise Harry,  I'm so sorry I scared you.  Can I get a hug?" I have a few tears coming out of my eyes.  Harry nods and makes hesitant grabby hands at me. Remus hands him over and I cradle the small boy to my chest.

"Harry,  sweetie were going to apparate,  it might feel funny but it won't hurt okay?" Harry nods slightly against my chest. Remus puts his arm around me and apparates. When we get back to our house Harry is crying again. 

"Oh pup,  it's okay.  You're okay,  I know pup,  I know" I cradle him to my chest and he calms down,  quickly going to sleep. I lay the boy down on the couch and walk over to where Remus is standing.  I wrap my arms around his waist and sigh. I start crying softly.  Remus kisses my forehead.

"How could someone d-do th-that to a l-little baby like him"

"I don't know sweetheart,  but right now,  we need to take care of our cub"

"I love you"

"I love you to Sirius"



I'm thinking about making this into a book.  Thoughts?

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